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Top 50 Branded Facebook Fan Pages, April 2011

“Stability” was largely the word of the month for the very largest branded Facebook fan pages, at least compared to last month’s rankings. The only change in the Top 10 was Converse growing 11% to leapfrog Skittles, which grew at … Continue reading →

9 Things Businesses Have Learned About Social Media

Social media has walked the fiery coals of skepticism and has brilliantly performed as a marketing, customer service and relationship building tool beyond expectations. All size businesses have taken the polar bear plunge into what felt like an alien way of communicating with their customers. When businesses began using Facebook fan pages, Twitter, engaging on […]

Create Facebook Fan Pages with Wix

Website building platform Wix has released a Facebook application for the creation of Web pages that can be embedded inside Facebook Fan and Community pages. For those without any familiarity with the Facebook Markup Language (FBML), the application could prove quite useful.  The application essentially adds a "My Site" tab next to… [[ This is […]

24 Essential Social Media Resources You May Have Missed

Another week down, and another chance to gather all the social media wisdom from the experts and put it to good use for your personal brand, your business, or for plain old fun. Check out these indispensable resources which include an exclusive peek inside YouTube’s inner sanctum, a swath of in-depth iPad coverage, and some […]