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There are 300,000 Facebook users in China but they still prefer Renren

Facebook is blocked in China but that didn’t stop them from using Facebook, even though it is just a small group on it. There are a total of 295,400 people using Facebook in China, according to Facebook statistics. In other words, 7 out of every 10,000 Chinese online users are on the world’s largest social […]

Solving the Insolvable Problem of Information Overload

Every now and then, a debate will pop up in the Blogosphere/Twitterverse about whether or not RSS is dead. One such debate has been raging this week, and has even got some high profile tech bloggers bickering in an embarrassingly public manner (name-calling and all).  Do you think RSS is "dead"? Tell us why or […]

How do I become expert in SEO work?what skills are needed?

I would like to do work at home. Thing is many people are looking for SEO type work. I know a bit have done SEO article writing and some backlinks the old fashioned white hat way as they say. Can anyone help me on what skills I need? Im a Psychology grad so not that […]