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Rating Content from Social Graph Data

Site search and “engagement tool” provider Lijit Networks announced it has been granted a patent for rating content based on social graph data. The patent covers methods and systems that query a mathematical model of a trust network of interconnected individuals and return a subjective rating of content associated with those… [[ This is a […]

Apple has Plans for Holographic Display

Holographic displays are only seen in movies like Star Wars and Iron Man. The technology isn’t a reality yet. But Apple seems to be taking the lead to make holographic display a dream come true. Telegraph reported that a recent granted patent reveals Apple’s interest in this field. In fact, Apple’s interest was first sighted […]

Google Company Files Patent on Promotional Tweets & Facebook Messages

Aardvark, the Q&A service that was recently acquired by Google, has filed a patent for “promotional status messages”. You know when you sign up for a service and it lets you post a message to your friends on Twitter or Facebook inviting them to join? Yup, Aardark is somehow claiming that this was the company’s […]