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The 20 Most Popular Twitter Users, According to the “Accept” Bug

If the “accept” bug we encountered this week taught us anything about Twitter, it showed us who users are most desperate to have follow them back. As a refresher, yesterday’s bug allowed users to tweet, for example, “accept mashable.” This would then make the account @mashable automatically follow the user who sent out that tweet. […]

LOLCat King on What Makes Internet Culture Viral [VIDEO]

Ben Huh is the CEO of The Cheezburger Network, a ring of highly lucrative websites that curate and capitalize on Internet memes and macros. During Web 2.0 Expo in San Francisco, he sat down to tell us all about Internet culture: what makes for a guaranteed flop online, and what elements can help content become […]

Rechristen Yourself with the Wu-Tang Clan Nickname Generator [Randomly Viral]

For some unexplained reason, a little app called the Wu-Tang Clan Nickname Generator is making its way around the web. Well, all I have to say is: Thanks, Internet! Maybe it’s because GZA has a new album in the works, maybe the clubs played the “Fantasy” ODB/Mariah Carey remix one too many times, maybe someone […]

4 Fun and Crazy Chatroulette Videos

Random video chat site Chatroulette is a pop culture smash right now, and while it’s easy to assume its days are numbered, it’s a lot of fun to immerse yourself in the little subculture building around it. Despite the increasing negative press, there’s almost as much heart on the service as there is genitalia. Well, […]