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Optimizing the Comment Experience

Commenting on the content of others is one of the great hallmarks of Web marketing. Not only do you get to participate and share your thoughts with others, but you have the opportunity to generate exposure for your own brand simultaneously. With great rewards, however, comes great risk. Those without the proverbial savvy to engage […]

Learned, Did and Failed? Try Again, Entrepreneur

We love reading entrepreneurs’ blog. Their words are inspiring and keep the entire entrepreneurs community alive; especially those who have risk it and are in the arena. TechCrunch’s founder, Michael Arrington, calls these people, Pirates. They are real builders and my friends know that I always wanted to be one too. I build businesses but […]

What is the difference between Grey and White Hat SEO?

What is the difference between Grey and White Hat SEO? White hat seo is using ethical seo techniques to rank your website high in the search engines – techniques which search engines themselves recommend. Grey hat techniques are boarder line techniques used to get high rankings – many of the times they are not ethical […]