On a previous video I showed you how to bookmark this blog posting from the xTrain blog on social bookmarking sites. Let’s now look at Digg.com under my own account. We’re now going to add this article to digg.com. While we do this I’m going to talk about a few things that are important while you’re trying to get your content some attention in digg.com.
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Giovanni Gallucci is a thought leader in social media and online buzz marketing. To add some buzz to your online marketing send him an email to socialmediastrategies(@)gallucci(.)net or visit his social marketing consulting site at http://gallucci.net for more information on his social marketing and search consulting practice.
Add Giovanni to your social network of choice at http://gallucci.net/social Distributed by Tubemogul.
Duration : 0:9:30
[youtube 9WJg7FW-8X0]