Today mDialog debuts a new video service platform designed to support HTML5, live streaming and dynamic ad-insertion in video streams.
Publishers and content providers can now not only encode and serve live stream or Video On Demand content in HTML5, but they can also insert ads or b-roll into those videos factors like geolocation, dayspotting and the number of times a user has seen an ad.
We’ve talked a lot about the big push for HTML5 video from the bigger content providers, and we’ve covered services like that can help prepare video files for distribution on the iPad, iPhone and other HTML5 devices. However, for many video publishers or content creators, the right format is only half of the battle.
Monetizing video, whether you use overlay ads like YouTube does or you insert selected ads at different points in a stream, is understandably very important for content publishers. Many services have been created to facilitate ad serving for Flash content, but for publishers who want to stream and insert ads with HTML5, options are more limited.
mDialog’s new platform solves this dilemma. You can not only use the system to upload video or feed in live streams, but you can also use the platform to insert ads, integrate with a third-party ad server, and dynamically select the kind of ad displayed based on certain parameters like location, time of day and frequency. In addition to serving this content on web sites, developers can also use the mDialog SDK for use in their native iPhone or iPad applications. You can take a look at mDialog’s HTML5 video player on your iPad or in an HTML5 compliant browser at this demo site.
mDialog let me take a look at their backend yesterday. The platform is powerful, but also very easy to use. Impressively, the entire web application is built with AJAX — no Flash required — meaning that you can even manage your backend operations on an iPhone, iPad or any other device that either lacks or has less robust Flash support.
At NAB next week, many video serving solutions will be on display for content publishers. I am curious to see how video advertisements will fit into this space and into this technology.
What do you think of how web video is evolving? Let us know!
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Tags: geolocation, HTML5, ipad, iphone, mdialog, web video