A new website called Likebutton.me uses Facebook’s just-launched Social Plugins features to show you a list of all the items your Facebook friends “Liked” across several websites like YouTube, Pandora, Hulu, Flickr, The Wall Street Journal, IMDB and numerous others.
It basically just splashes the Activity Feed Social Plugins for each website all up onto one page. You can view several pre-defined sets like Games, Video or Tech, and you can add sites of your choosing to each of the categories on the fly.
Another site called itstrending shows the most-liked items in categories. For example, it’ll tell you that the new The Twilight Saga: Eclipse trailer is one of the most liked YouTube videos with more than 97,000 shares.
Expect these to be just two of many new sites using Facebook’s Social Plugins to serve up social data that wasn’t available before the big changes that Facebook unveiled at the F8 conference last week.
You don’t need to use Likebutton.me to do what Likebutton.me does, though. You do it yourself by creating embeddable code for a Activity Feed plugin for any website you want, including Mashable, as shown below. Just go to Facebook’s Activity Feed plugin website and fill out a very short form (website domain, preferred size, and a few simple styling options) and you’ll be given the code that you can drop into your blog.
[via VentureBeat]
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Tags: facebook, Likebutton.me, social media, social networking, social plugins, Web 2.0