Justin Bieber, supreme overlord of Twitter, retains his iron grip on a fairly stable list of popular topics. With a few caveats, not much has changed since last week’s list of trends. NBA playoffs and NFL draft picks set the sports world abuzz, while the UK elections crept ever closer with a third and final televised debate.

Interestingly, two more Korean bands enjoyed a surge of Twitter popularity and joined the mainstay Super Junior on this week’s chart. This is certainly indicative of where a good number of tweets are coming from these days. It remains to be seen if these young rising stars from Asia stand to give Bieber a run for his money.

Below is the top 10 list, courtesy of our friends at What The Trend. Because this is a topical list, hashtag memes and games have been omitted from the chart.

You can check past Twitter trends in our Top Twitter Topics section as well as read more about this past week’s trends on What The Trend.

Top Twitter Trends This Week: 4/24 – 4/30



Top Index This Week




Justin Bieber



He is currently touring through New Zealand, and fans are tweeting their excitement.


Follow Friday


#FF is a tag for Follow Friday, the meme where users list other Twitterers to follow.





People are Tweeting about the first round of the NBA Playoffs.




Tweets about interesting characteristics of the Zodiac signs.





The 75th National Football League (NFL) Draft is currently being held at Radio City Music Hall in New York. This year the NFL is instituting a three-day draft for the first time, and the first two nights are in primetime.


UK Parliament


Leaders of the UK’s three main political parties, Gordon Brown, David Cameron, and Nick Clegg, met for the third and final time before the election May 6th. Prime Minister Gordon Brown has been caught on microphone describing a voter he had just spoken to in Rochdale as a "bigoted woman".


Super Junior


Super Junior is going to release their 4th album soon. "Sorry Sorry, but it is our time again" is the slogan for the 4th album.




TVXQ or DBSK is a popular Korean boyband that is famous in Korea & Japan.




SHINee is a popular korean band and their fans SHINee World, or Shawols are showing their love for them.


Mother’s Day


Mother’s Day is a time of commemoration and celebration for Mom. Mother’s Day will be celebrated on Sunday May 9, 2010 (in the U.S. & Canada). In the UK Mothering Sunday is celebrated on the 14th of March, 2010.

Image courtesy of iStockphoto, ricardoinfante

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Tags: justin bieber, Top Twitter Topics, trends, twitter, twitter trends

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