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If you leave your computer on over night, how much does that cost you? What about all those unnecessary lights you have turned on in your house? How much money could you save if you had bought an energy saving refrigerator instead of a regular one?

General Electric answers this question with a nifty interactive tool that shows energy consumption of oft-used home appliances. It tracks 53 devices; you can choose to see how much power does each appliance consume in watts or kilowatthours; alternatively, you can see how much does each appliance cost to use in dollars, and how much it consumes converted to gallons of gas.

Clicking on an appliance turns it on or off; depending on how many appliances are turned on, an overall energy consumption rate is calculated in the lower right corner of the tool.

Some appliances are marked with a green star; this means that an Energy Star power-saving product is available in that class of appliance. Clicking on the star, you’ll see how much money you can save by replacing your old appliance with an Energy Star model.

[via Pentagram]

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Tags: energy, General Electric, home appliances, infographics