- 10 Free Android Apps to Boost Your Productivity: If you value efficiency and effectiveness, then your Android dev… http://bit.ly/bMFvPg #
- At dinner w/ Perry. Great food. (@ Parkside) http://4sq.com/6RrynA #
- Department of Justice Inquires Into Apple’s Adobe Flash Policy: The New York Post reports that the U.S. Department… http://bit.ly/9a8zsi #
- 5 Matching iPhone and iPad Cases: We’re guessing if you have both an iPhone and an iPad then you’re a fan of Appl… http://bit.ly/cYRGdU #
- Pakistan Lifts Facebook Ban: Pakistan lifted the Facebook ban on Monday after Facebook officials apologized for o… http://bit.ly/9BY0Gm #
- Google Asks In-House Financial Experts To Grow War Chest: When Google distributed its first-quarter earnings repor… http://bit.ly/9bBSW9 #
- Meet iPed, The Android-Based Chinese iPad Clone [VIDEO]: It’s a tablet. It comes in a box nearly identical to the … http://bit.ly/9UEFzf #
- Will You Quit Facebook Today? [POLL]: Today is a day of reckoning for potentially millions of Facebook users; it’… http://bit.ly/9psLhT #
- Free Music Monday, Memorial Day Edition: 10 Free Downloads: Happy Monday, music lovers! Thanks for tuning in for … http://bit.ly/9rp30J #
- Social Sites To Attract Two-Thirds Internet Users in 2014: Marketers alert: If your business isn’t on social media… http://bit.ly/d2Jq3M #
- 6 Websites for Remembering and Honoring Veterans: Memorial Day is being celebrated today across the U.S. This is … http://bit.ly/aNiIWa #
- The iPad Really Is Magical [VIDEO]: Thought all that talk from Steve Jobs about how “magical” the iPad is was jus… http://bit.ly/anV2TF #
- New “Scott Pilgrim” Trailer Premieres on Facebook: Universal Studios has just released the second trailer for Sco… http://bit.ly/cJIhwS #
- The Location-Based Services Market [INFOGRAPHIC]: The infographic you’re about to see shows the pros and cons of e… http://bit.ly/agMabx #
- Google Abandons Windows for Better Security: In the wake of the China attacks that resulted in Google threatening… http://bit.ly/bvOqGI #
- Death to “Piracy”: Should All Music Sharing Be Free? [VIDEO]: Music piracy. Both the issue and the term are hotly… http://bit.ly/dySNWY #
- Loopt Star: A Digital Loyalty Card For Your iPhone: Location-based social service Loopt is launching a new mobile… http://bit.ly/9bu64k #
- Death to “Piracy”: Should All Music Sharing Be Free? [VIDEO]: Music piracy. Both the issue and the term are hotly … http://bit.ly/aJlcxS #
- World’s Biggest Supercomputing Superpowers [INFOGRAPHIC]: Which country has the most powerful supercomputers? If … http://bit.ly/a2aRvX #
- iPhone 4 Frames Caught on Video: Although officially still unannounced, the next generation iPhone just can’t sto… http://bit.ly/9DQ8T8 #
- IE6 Finally Nearing Extinction [STATS]: According to web analytics company StatCounter, Microsoft’s Internet Expl… http://bit.ly/bgsaVn #
- IE6 Falls Below 5% Usage in US, Europe, Still Beating Chrome: Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome have taken up a go… http://bit.ly/asTls1 #
- I just unlocked the "Explorer" badge on @foursquare! http://4sq.com/cJ16qj #
- Stayed here for a few days. Not the best nor the worst. Going home later today. (@ La Quinta Inn-Mopac Southwest) http://4sq.com/9uulEX #
- Google Shadow: http://www.googshadow.com Google Shadow is the new system for making money with Google without a we… http://bit.ly/dsXpCn #
- Barnes & Noble Launches Online Storytime For Kids: Barnes & Noble has introduced "Online Storytime," a new monthly… http://bit.ly/aPA1Eh #
- 10 Adorable Apple-Themed Baby Accessories: Congratulations, it’s a Mac! If you want to ensure your offspring stay… http://bit.ly/a5Ex3i #
- How Lawyers Are Using Social Media for Real Results: The Real Results series is supported by Gist, an online serv… http://bit.ly/b2PXkk #
- Google Releases Savings Calculator Tool to Push Google Apps: As Google continues its push to get businesses using … http://bit.ly/9yxaNB #
- WordPress.com Adds Its Own “Like” and Reblogging Features: WordPress.com’s millions of blogs are getting social w… http://bit.ly/bZnAYu #
- Majority Of Americans Don’t Know Their Broadband Speeds: The majority (80%) of broadband users in the United State… http://bit.ly/c2GjkR #
- Oil Spill Firefox Plugin Blacks Out BP Across the Web: Creative agency Jess3 has developed a Firefox plugin that … http://bit.ly/aDhQQ0 #
- I'm at Houston Hobby Gate 45. http://4sq.com/cApR9P #
- Quitting Facebook Gets a Parody Rap Anthem [VIDEO]: So yesterday was Quit Facebook Day, and it was, apparently, a … http://bit.ly/9SRsA8 #
- YouTube Celebrates Internet Safety Month: Today marks the start of Internet Safety Month, and even if that's not t… http://bit.ly/a3eUhf #
- How A Mobile App Could Revolutionize The Food Industry: The mobile trend is moving rapidly. We have witnessed the … http://bit.ly/aGJ2PH #
- Delicious Creator Leaves Google: Joshua Schachter, the creator of the social bookmarking web service Delicious, h… http://bit.ly/aMUbzr #
- comScore: Google Makes More Gains In Video: Last month, the yet-to-launch Google TV did quite well for itself, gra… http://bit.ly/cbPS8x #
- Apple Shuts Down Lala: Will Its Replacement Come Next Week?: Last night, Apple shut down the Lala music streaming… http://bit.ly/d1OfQ1 #
- Facebook and Google Maps Dominate Smartphone App Usage [STUDY]: Nielsen has released a new mobile application rep… http://bit.ly/aCJJ5z #
- How Music Videos Are Dominating the Web [STATS]: According to a report just relased by comScore, online video vie… http://bit.ly/clvj3p #
- Web Goes Wild for World Cup [STATS]: The World Cup doesn’t start for another 10 days, but it’s already blowing up… http://bit.ly/bc8Zae #
- AT&T Gives Up on the iPad 3G Unlimited Data Plan: AT&T announced new data plans for mobile internet and smartphon… http://bit.ly/924K2W #
- Lunch before meeting clients. Slamwich. Kind of a scary food. (@ Denny's) http://4sq.com/cu7q2Y #
- VISA FIFA YouTube Channel Aims to Create Longest “Gooool!” Cheer: With the World Cup kick-off just about one week… http://bit.ly/9KpAoa #
- Skype iPhone 3G App Downloaded 5 Million Times: On Sunday, Skype 2.0 was launched for the iPhone 3G, bringing a lo… http://bit.ly/cyia3j #
- Timesink Alert: FixPix iPhone Game Now Available: eBoy FixPix, the beautiful 3D puzzle game we wrote about a mont… http://bit.ly/bOlL6b #
- Would Traditional Media Steal from Blogs? No…Never.: Lots of bloggers and online reporters have experienced this… http://bit.ly/aM0tkz #
- Harris Interactive Adds Social Media to Market Research Mix: Market research firm Harris Interactive has launched… http://bit.ly/aIiFRu #
- Blown Call Costs Pitcher Perfect Game [VIDEO]: In what is likely the worst call, at the worst moment you will eve… http://bit.ly/bjFwY3 #
- HOW TO: Organize Your Contacts for Networking Success: Dan Schawbel, recognized as “Personal Branding Guru” by Th… http://bit.ly/9F3Gn9 #
- Yahoo Gets a New CTO: Nearly two months after losing Chief Technology Officer Ari Balogh, Yahoo has promoted Chie… http://bit.ly/cAoH4K #
- Creator of @BPGlobalPR Revealed… Sort Of: The man behind @BPGlobalPR has finally come out of the shadows — at lea… http://bit.ly/aU6x8b #
- Ex-Twitter Employee Didn’t Want to Work for an “Ad Company”: 5by5’s Dan Benjamin interviewed Twitter’s former lea… http://bit.ly/du5owZ #
- I'm at Hands On Health Massage (Drew street, Clearwater). http://4sq.com/cbZjvK #
- I just ousted @ambertides as the mayor of Nature's Food Patch Natural Market on @foursquare! http://4sq.com/aDVoB1 #
- I'm at Nature's Food Patch Natural Market (1225 Cleveland St., Clearwater). http://4sq.com/aDVoB1 #
- Exclusive: Sprint’s Social Media Campaign for HTC EVO 4G Debuts Tonight: Sprint is set to debut the first 4G phon… http://bit.ly/cikw6Q #
- Majority of Consumers Not Interested in Purchasing Tablets [STUDY]: Apple may be selling three iPads a second, bu… http://bit.ly/aaNkKJ #
- TLC + Foursquare = New Tips and Badges for Summer: TLC has used information from its stars and fans alike to run … http://bit.ly/c2Bvi9 #
- Two New Twilight Eclipse Trailers Hit YouTube: We’ve just seen the two latest Eclipse trailers, and the Twilight … http://bit.ly/cB6LLp #
- Grooveshark Offers Former Lala Users Free Premium Service: On-demand music service Grooveshark has a nice promot… http://bit.ly/9iHDvF #
- GateGuru is an iPhone Guide for Airports: This post is part of Mashable’s Spark of Genius series, which highlight… http://bit.ly/99mka6 #
- We Might All Be Watching Online Videos by 2015 [STATS]: According to recent research from the Pew Internet Projec… http://bit.ly/cLEUxk #
- Apple Shows Us What HTML5 Can Do: Apple is one of the biggest supporters of HTML5, and Steve Jobs clearly states … http://bit.ly/brXt3L #
- Turkish ISPs Block Several Google Services?: According to numerous Twitter sources, as well as Turkish blogs, ISP… http://bit.ly/aEwyGC #
- HTC EVO 4G Now Available: As previously announced, the highly anticipated 4G smartphone, HTC EVO 4G, is now avail… http://bit.ly/dx3l7B #
- Group Buying: Should Small Businesses Jump In?: This post originally appeared on the American Express OPEN Forum,… http://bit.ly/crUBN0 #
- National Donut Day Draws 80,000+ RSVPs on Facebook: Today is National Donut Day and to celebrate, Dunkin’ Donuts … http://bit.ly/atvwte #
- China Blocks Foursquare After Users Checkin to Tiananmen Square: The Great Firewall of China has a new Target: Fo… http://bit.ly/b89Ube #
- Look Who’s Blogging [STATS]: Bloggers, on the whole, are young — but not too young, according to a report from re… http://bit.ly/9fCIly #
- What to Expect from Apple at WWDC: On Monday, Steve Jobs will take the stage for WWDC, Apple’s yearly developer c… http://bit.ly/bmPqFe #
- Stephen Colbert: iPad Clothing Pioneer [VIDEO]: From vests to dresses, it’s clear that the iPad is this Spring’s … http://bit.ly/d9Nopp #
- Our Favorite YouTube Videos This Week: Drums, Droids & More: Hey ladies and gents — who are probably all off, enj… http://bit.ly/baaDvD #
- HOW TO: Buy and Sell Shares of Your Friends: This post is part of Mashable’s Spark of Genius series, which highli… http://bit.ly/boUB9K #
- Bing Cashback Is No More: After two years and multiple iterations, Bing Cashback is being shut down due to a lack… http://bit.ly/9Y6P3Z #
- Yelp for iPhone Adds Foursquare-Like Badges and Royalty Status: The new iteration of Yelp’s iPhone app isn’t live… http://bit.ly/anRoDR #
- Which Will Be More Critical to Marketing: iPhone or Android?: While there are other mobile operating systems that … http://bit.ly/ciKf85 #
- Kids, Games & Tech: If you like technology and you have children chances are good that they are going to like it t… http://bit.ly/99DGvg #
- myYearbook Brings the Chatter: One of the most-trafficked websites on the Internet is myYearbook.com – and it has … http://bit.ly/aoUjlJ #
- 19 Essential Social Media Resources You May Have Missed: Did you hear that? It’s the sound of another week comin… http://bit.ly/aVLw3Q #
- Top 10 Twitter Trends This Week [CHART]: Korean boy band Super Junior takes the top spot on this week’s list, dem… http://bit.ly/beGGYI #
- 7 Ways to Find Amazing New Android Apps: If you are the lucky owner of an Android device, you might struggle from… http://bit.ly/am6jyt #
- Which Will Be More Critical to Marketing: iPhone or Android?: While there are other mobile operating systems that … http://bit.ly/dxvhSY #
- 4 in 10 Use LinkedIn For Business Purposes: According to a study by NetProspex and Rapleaf, 43% of the employees s… http://bit.ly/dlwoRx #
- Ok. (@ Publix) http://4sq.com/ayBNnF #
- I just ousted @funpubs as the mayor of Thirsty Marlin on @foursquare! http://4sq.com/ckSfFm #
- Top 6 Free World Cup iPhone Apps: Call it whatever you like — football, soccer, the game with the black and whit… http://bit.ly/b1yWpo #
- Top 8 iPhone Apps for Self-Help: Although serious psychologists sometimes bash self-help books as “vast oversimp… http://bit.ly/cIAIsR #
- 7 Ways to Find Amazing New Android Apps: If you are the lucky owner of an Android device, you might struggle from … http://bit.ly/cc3E0f #
- Google Brings In Beehives: First, dogs were allowed in the offices. Next, goats were brought in to cut the grass…. http://bit.ly/bS4PqV #
- What You Didn’t Know About Facebook [INFOGRAPHIC]: Many of us log into Facebook on a daily basis, sometimes even a… http://bit.ly/9ZyJKn #
- Yahoo Pulse Beats Google Buzz With Facebook and Privacy: A new service called Yahoo Pulse will one-up Google Buzz… http://bit.ly/9B3owA #
- MTV Movie Awards 2010: Find Out Who’s Hot on Twitter: MTV is prepping for the 2010 Movie Awards by hosting an int… http://bit.ly/auR9SN #