- Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-06-20: Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-06-13: 5 Fun DIY iPhone Cases [PICS]: Fact… http://bit.ly/9M9dBq #
- Massive Flagstaff Fire Glimpsed in Twitter Photos [PICS]: More than a thousand homes near Flagstaff, Arizona are … http://bit.ly/aflufd #
- Toshiba Libretto W100 is a Dual-Screen Answer to iPad: As a part of the 25th anniversary of Toshiba’s laptop busi… http://bit.ly/bTcxAY #
- Gmail Redesigns the Contact Cards: In the last couple of weeks, Google has been adding tiny improvements to Gmail… http://bit.ly/bY7xas #
- Toshiba Libretto W100 is a Dual-Screen Answer to iPad: As a part of the 25th anniversary of Toshiba’s laptop busin… http://bit.ly/c8tKdM #
- AOL and Mediabrands Partner on Retail Advertising: AOL and Interpublic Group's Mediabrands (one of the largest buy… http://bit.ly/aDlqS6 #
- Barnes & Noble Introduces Nook Wi-Fi (A Cheaper Version): Barnes and Noble today introduced its Nook Wi-Fi device… http://bit.ly/9kl1MO #
- Dating Site Launches Online Sperm and Egg Bank for “Beautiful People”: Every child is beautiful (well, not really… http://bit.ly/aY1NZ5 #
- Social Media Users Probably Not Doing Enough to Protect Their IDs: A new study conducted by the Ponemon Institute … http://bit.ly/cbwXx5 #
- Facebook CEO Meets UK's Prime Minister, Culture Sec.: UK politicians may soon be making status updates and friendi… http://bit.ly/cLogrv #
- Virgin America Offers Free Flights to Twitter Influencers: Virgin America has partnered with Klout, an analytics … http://bit.ly/bRYKuM #
- Twitter, Facebook and Consumers [STUDY]: If you’re looking for some interesting statistics on how consumers think … http://bit.ly/c6SmI1 #
- Middle Men: Another Internet Story Coming to the Big Screen: It's looking to be the year of Internet stories penet… http://bit.ly/aWesWe #
- “Sad Keanu Reeves” Meme Gets a Charitable URL Shortner: Kea.nu: Those of you more plugged in to the meme side of … http://bit.ly/9lFclm #
- Would a Google "Newspass" Work Better Than its Existing Paid Content Options?: There is a rumor that has been floa… http://bit.ly/bSEThv #
- Social Media Integration Drives Major Clicks for Email Marketers [STUDY]: Email messages that include options to … http://bit.ly/b9o7K6 #
- Google Works with About.com On Making the Web Faster: About.com has partnered with Google's Make the Web Faster te… http://bit.ly/difHYQ #
- Kindle and Nook Prices Reduced to Less Than $200: We are now entering a brave new world of e-reader price wars: A… http://bit.ly/bIYUea #
- Google Shares Its Viewpoint on Earning Quality Links: SEO changes all the time as search engines make adjustments … http://bit.ly/9lnqz7 #
- Free Music Monday: 10 Free Downloads Compiled for You: Howdy, music lovers! Thanks for checking out this week’s e… http://bit.ly/aORVyI #
- iOS 4: The Complete Walkthrough and Guide [VIDEO]: iOS 4 is here, and it rocks.If you haven’t yet had a chance to… http://bit.ly/cDVc5n #
- Verizon Offers Contract-Free Option for FiOS: One of the most infuriating parts of buying broadband Internet serv… http://bit.ly/blaMr9 #
- New App Color-Codes and Filters Your Tweets: Mashable’s Spark of Genius series highlights a unique feature of sta… http://bit.ly/dCYhyV #
- LEGO Universe: Adventure and Build With Your Friends [VIDEO]: Fans of LEGO will be excited to learn about the fir… http://bit.ly/9WZdAy #
- How iOS 4 and iTunes Work Together [VIDEO]: With iTunes 9.2, iOS 4 devices are natively supported. This also mean… http://bit.ly/d47ZnV #
- Adobe Launches Flash 10.1 For Mobile: Two weeks after releasing the desktop version of Adobe Flash Player 10.1, A… http://bit.ly/aImE1e #
- Foursquare and C-SPAN Team Up for Political Education: C-SPAN is going geosocial with political and policy educat… http://bit.ly/bvZeOX #
- Adobe Launches Flash 10.1 For Mobile: Two weeks after releasing the desktop version of Adobe Flash Player 10.1, Ad… http://bit.ly/9IcV0r #
- Salesforce Chatter Now Available to Everyone: Salesforce.com has announced the general availability of Salesforce… http://bit.ly/cA00zY #
- Salesforce Chatter Now Available to the Public: Today, Salesforce.com’s Chatter) collaboration application is now… http://bit.ly/ay2xin #
- LinkedIn Makes Some Changes to Groups: LinkedIn has released some updates to its Groups feature. This is the first… http://bit.ly/aBgTjR #
- Steve Jobs: iPhone 3G Couldn’t Handle iOS4 Backgrounds: I had to explain today to my disappointed dad why he cann… http://bit.ly/9ZlDjQ #
- Yahoo Updates Advertisers on Microsoft Transition: Yahoo has provided an update on the planned search alliance wit… http://bit.ly/9iv0NP #
- Twitter Takes Off In Japan: If you’re looking to tap into the Japanese market through social media, look no furthe… http://bit.ly/9TkZqQ #
- iPad Sales Top 3 Million: Apple has announced that it’s sold 3 million iPads – less than three months since the d… http://bit.ly/aU7tZm #
- Sears And Kmart Ready Online Movie Service: Sonic Solutions said today it has entered into an agreement with Sears… http://bit.ly/bjRrKq #
- FourWhere Adds Yelp and Gowalla Support: The Foursquare-Google Maps mashup FourWhere has just added support for G… http://bit.ly/dxPdHy #
- Google Voice Now Open to Everyone: Google has finally opened Google Voice up to the public, and no longer requires… http://bit.ly/aF3nkH #
- Shopping Faceoff: Amazon vs. eBay vs. Craigslist: This Web Faceoff series is supported by Buick.Last week, as par… http://bit.ly/9YP6EL #
- Google And Apple Trusted More Than Facebook And Twitter: Nearly half (49%) of U.S. adults trust Apple, Microsoft a… http://bit.ly/cHsqav #
- Google Maps for Android Gets an Upgrade: Google has released an update for Google Maps for Android. Version 4.3 co… http://bit.ly/9NQJL8 #
- Vevo Launches New Music Channel to Discover Emerging Artists: Music video website VEVO, a joint venture between t… http://bit.ly/aSmbTF #
- eBay Lists its iPhone 4 Sales Guidelines: The iPhone 4 is scheduled for release on June 24th. eBay has prepared fo… http://bit.ly/bb7h3K #
- Google Building Music Download Service with an Android Twist [REPORT]: The Wall Street Journal reported some new … http://bit.ly/bS19jc #
- Famous Line-Sitter Already Waiting for iPhone 4 at NYC Apple Store [VIDEO]: Texas may have New York beat when it … http://bit.ly/aB2sT9 #
- “FrontierVille” Already Has 5 Million Players: Apparently FarmVille meets Oregon Trail is a winning combination —… http://bit.ly/cFP7nG #
- iPhone 4 Units Arrive Early [VIDEO]: Earlier today, we reported that iPhone 4 units were shipping out to customer… http://bit.ly/bWJ6nk #
- EA Drops Prices on iPhone Games Including Madden, FIFA and SimCity to $1: Game-maker Electronic Arts (EA) is sell… http://bit.ly/bvOs7c #
- Social Media Success Is Not Measured By Number of Fans: Today, I was talking to the higher management of the compa… http://bit.ly/9FleBX #
- Bing Dives Into Entertainment With New Search Vertical: Microsoft’s search engine just got a whole lot more media… http://bit.ly/96CzNd #
- Eventbrite Grows from Birthdays to Bonnaroo [VIDEO]: Eventbrite has done something few startups truly manage to d… http://bit.ly/9bKQ42 #
- Eventbrite Grows from Birthdays to Bonnaroo [VIDEO]: Eventbrite has done something few startups truly manage to do… http://bit.ly/9yyzBK #
- Twitter for iPhone Now Supports iOS4 Multitasking: Twitter for iPhone – a piece of software formerly known as Twe… http://bit.ly/ac7x94 #
- AT&T Completes Acquisition of Verizon Assets: AT&T has completed its acquisition of wireless assets from Verizon W… http://bit.ly/9aeFD2 #
- 26% of iPhones Break Within 2 Years [REPORT]: According to SquareTrade, the warranty provider for the iPhone and … http://bit.ly/c5cCKW #
- Bing Makes Big Changes to User Interface, Search Experience: Bing has made some design changes and added a bunch o… http://bit.ly/9WlePd #
- HOW TO: Use QR Codes for Small Business Marketing: This post originally appeared on the American Express OPEN For… http://bit.ly/b9t4eM #
- Facebook Thinks Email is "Probably Going Away": Facebook thinks email is dying. Classic. How many times have we he… http://bit.ly/diJzfc #
- Fail Whale Cake Makes Sour Situation Sweet [PHOTO]: By now you’re probably sick to death of the iconic Fail Whale… http://bit.ly/9mFInf #
- Inside Hiring Online: Freelance marketplace Elance released results of its online hiring practices survey which re… http://bit.ly/dxCooV #
- 10 Amazing World Cup Ads On YouTube: An event as charismatic as the World Cup has surely caught many advertisers’ … http://bit.ly/dqOVU6 #
- What's the Best Way to Market to Mobile Users?: Dynmark has released a report based on a study of creative marketi… http://bit.ly/93etIO #
- USA vs Algeria World Cup Match Could Set New Internet Traffic Record: The dramatic ending to the World Cup match … http://bit.ly/9uweqD #
- Google Apps Gets Multi-Domain Support: Google has introduced multi-domain support in Google Apps. This comes in a … http://bit.ly/9H4uss #
- Are You a Comments Troll?: For the most part, Mashable’s commenters are tech-savvy and full of wit, but we’re wel… http://bit.ly/b0WXNp #
- iPhone 4 Reviews Take Over the Web: iPhone 4 reviews are all over the web now. Techmeme has a pretty huge roundup … http://bit.ly/auPlv6 #
- Russian President Visits Twitter Headquarters, Sends First Tweet: Yet another world leader has recognized the pow… http://bit.ly/91xMiG #
- YouTube to Reward Partners Who Put Ratings on Content: YouTube announced to is U.S. partners today that it has rec… http://bit.ly/9dgauy #
- Viacom Loses $1 Billion Lawsuit Against YouTube: The billion dollar YouTube-Viacom case has finally been resolved… http://bit.ly/c0MUdQ #
- Google Ad Voucher: Google Ads Vouchers are available from http://www.RingJohn.com for attendees or our Internet ma… http://bit.ly/d87RxW #
- Flickr Photo Pages Get a Change in Design: Flickr has launched a new photo page. Some elements of the page have be… http://bit.ly/by7ew5 #
- Top Twitter Reactions to Gen. McChrystal’s Removal From Command [IMAGES]: President Barack Obama removed General … http://bit.ly/a75n0d #
- Testing the Droid X Camera [PICS & VIDS]: The lovely folks at Verizon gave us a Droid X for 30 glorious days of r… http://bit.ly/9PE9h3 #
- Critical iPhone 4 Issues and Complaints Are Mounting: Several early iPhone 4 customers have discovered critical i… http://bit.ly/a70IMf #
- The Muppets Face Off with OK Go in Epic Staring Contest [VIDEO]: What happens when two viral video stars collide?… http://bit.ly/9nveNn #
- Jimmy Kimmel Shoots Entire TV Episode on His Webcam: When a power outage at late-night talk show host Jimmy Kimmel… http://bit.ly/beCagt #
- Obama’s iPad/iPhone App Hits the App Store Tonight: President Obama’s political campaign, Organizing for America, … http://bit.ly/dDtyDr #
- Jimmy Kimmel Shoots Entire TV Episode on His Webcam: When a power outage at late-night talk show host Jimmy Kimmel… http://bit.ly/cuAEcS #
- Enjoy a Stream of Short-Form Videos with New Site and iPad App: Mashable’s Spark of Genius series highlights a uni… http://bit.ly/9OVXJp #
- Apple Files Another Patent Lawsuit Against HTC: Apple has filed another patent lawsuit against smartphone manufact… http://bit.ly/bTYUhY #
- iMovie For iPhone Shows Up in the App Store: All you lucky iPhone 4 owners can now enjoy the full benefits of your… http://bit.ly/a4qt0K #
- Oh No: YouTube Gets a Vuvuzela Button: As if we haven’t been hearing the buzzing sound of vuvuzelas enough in the … http://bit.ly/9x9jEW #
- Twitter Aims to Make Finding Your Real Friends Easier: Twitter has updated its "Find Friends" feature, which could… http://bit.ly/cHBmnt #
- Nokia N8 Will Be the Last N-Series Smartphone Based on Symbian: We already know that Nokia has plans to switch fro… http://bit.ly/c07945 #
- Quality Assurance on Networks and Exchanges (IAB Guidelines): The Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) today relea… http://bit.ly/aWM0Os #
- Visa Launches its PayPal Competitor in Australia: Last month we saw MasterCard make a move to start gunning for Pa… http://bit.ly/adoAxA #
- New Foursquare App Helps You Avoid Foes and Exes: It’s something everyone dreads upon breaking up or having a fall… http://bit.ly/afihUR #
- Facebook App Development with KickApps: Social software platform KickApps announced the availability of a developm… http://bit.ly/93weAL #
- Twitter Reaches Agreement With FTC: Twitter just announced it has reached an agreement with the Federal Trade Comm… http://bit.ly/dcoqfj #
- Seattle: Get Your Tickets to Mashable Summer Tour 2010: We’re packing our bags and heading your way, Seattle! CEO … http://bit.ly/bHLLRS #
- New Version of Tweetie for Mac Rolls Out: Amidst the iPhone 4 chaos, Atebits has released an updated version of Tw… http://bit.ly/9nXTic #
- Alibaba Buys Vendio, Gains 80,000 eBay, Amazon Sellers: Alibaba.com has announced its acquisition of Vendio, a mul… http://bit.ly/bIuasZ #
- Twitpic Adds Twitter Places: Today Twitpic released Twitter Places integration following Twitter’s recent launch o… http://bit.ly/9hPJTd #
- Man Indicted For Hacking And Email Threat To VP Biden: A Minnesota man had indicted in federal court for hacking i… http://bit.ly/9672q6 #
- World Cup and Obama Top iPhone 4 Buzz Pre-Launch [STATS]: Over here at Mashable HQ, we’re up to our eyeballs in iP… http://bit.ly/bQKluY #
- AOL Sells Market Research Firm DMS Insights to uSamp: Market research company uSamp has acquired DMS Insights (Dig… http://bit.ly/aNmEay #
- Visa Rolls Out New Online Payment Service: Launched today in Australia, Visa’s new online transaction service is a… http://bit.ly/9pupaJ #
- What We’ve “Wasted” on Apple This Year: $29 Billion and Counting: How much money have people around the world wast… http://bit.ly/asZFof #
- Porn Sites Set to Get .XXX Domain Name Option: ICANN, the organization that oversees domain names and registration… http://bit.ly/drX1LE #
- HOW TO: Use iMovie for iPhone: iMovie for iPhone is the official Apple application that lets iPhone users record a… http://bit.ly/cWpFGJ #
- Steve Jobs to iPhone 4 Owners: Stop Holding the Phone Wrong: Apple has responded to those concerns some new iPhone… http://bit.ly/91fqSW #
- The Rise Of Cloud Computing [INFOGRAPHIC]: Mobile, convenient, real-time and collaborative. If you have tried work… http://bit.ly/bETzHS #
- Find a Travel Mate for Your Next Remote Adventure: Mashable’s Spark of Genius series highlights a unique feature o… http://bit.ly/auTXLn #
- Steve Jobs to iPhone 4 Owners: Stop Holding the Phone Wrong: Apple has responded to those concerns some new iPhone… http://bit.ly/8YY13F #
- FaceTime: Video Calls Finally Become Cool: At WWDC, Apple formally announced FaceTime, its take on video calling a… http://bit.ly/8YzrVD #
- 10 iPhone Apps for a Better Night’s Sleep: General health practitioners recommend that adults get at least seven h… http://bit.ly/dC6BM5 #
- IE9 vs. Chrome vs. Firefox: Microsoft’s Gaining Ground [VIDEO]: Microsoft’s Internet Explorer may still hold domin… http://bit.ly/ah2MM4 #
- Google Remotely Flips the Kill Switch on Questionable Android Apps: The Android Market may be open, but Google doe… http://bit.ly/9vztNr #
- View From the Line: The iPhone 4 Is Bigger Than Elvis: The iPhone 4 is finally in stores and the lines are truly m… http://bit.ly/axHKYO #
- Bloggers Should See Increase in Sharing of Content: Google's Blogger has released new share buttons for users, whi… http://bit.ly/93rRbC #
- Mozilla Explains Why Firefox 4 Has Tabs on Top [VIDEO]: Firefox 4 is coming soon, and it’ll carry with it a lot of… http://bit.ly/ckzV2z #
- iPad Magazines: Don’t Believe the Hype: Much has been said about the iPad’s ability to reinvigorate the publishing… http://bit.ly/9fMG6I #
- URL Shorteners and Community-Driven Link Building: You hear over and over again how important it is to participate… http://bit.ly/bcbbbd #
- PayPal Lets Apps Accept Credit Cards: PayPal has announced that it now accepts credit cards in apps. The company's… http://bit.ly/9w3jpy #
- Actor Jason Bateman Cuts the iPhone 4 Line: Some people waited in line days – or at least many, many hours – for y… http://bit.ly/bESocS #
- Mark Zuckerberg: Facebook To Hit 1 Billion Users: With over 500 million active users on Facebook currently, founde… http://bit.ly/aKD1NB #
- Hulu Coming to a PS3 Near You [RUMOR]: Bloomberg reports that Sony is close to finalizing an agreement with Hulu t… http://bit.ly/98Cnl0 #
- Google Can Delete or Install Apps on Your Android Phone: Yesterday, Android Security Lead Rich Cannings posted on … http://bit.ly/blj10b #
- The Vuvuzela Invades Google Street View: I reiterate my previous assertion that Google Street View was created for… http://bit.ly/9IfuWo #
- Bing Highlights Why You've Been Using Google News: Along with many other features Bing has launched this week, it … http://bit.ly/9z8mnR #
- Top 10 World Cup Twitter Trends [CHART]: For continuous World Cup coverage, check out Mashable’s 2010 World Cup Hu… http://bit.ly/arCVyx #
- Jimmy Kimmel and Drake Make Twitter Less Funny: Jimmy Kimmel Live showed a video this week featuring the titular K… http://bit.ly/9DviCH #
- 5 Cool Non-Profit Uses of Location-Based Tech: Geoff Livingston co-founded Zoetica to focus on cause-related work,… http://bit.ly/cM5Rq0 #
- I'm at Hands On Health Massage (Drew street, Clearwater). http://4sq.com/cbZjvK #
- I'm at Costco – Clearwater (US-19N, Gulf-to-Bay Blvd., Clearwater). http://4sq.com/5aUUV4 #
- EXCLUSIVE: First Teaser For “The Social Network” [VIDEO]: Columbia Pictures has just released the very first tease… http://bit.ly/dqAj3R #
- Our Favorite YouTube Videos This Week: Speedy Babies, Crafty Kitties & Robots: It’s been a long week, sports fans…… http://bit.ly/d9yk8L #
- I'm at Westfield Mall (Brandon Town Center dr, Brandon). http://4sq.com/aI5XGB #
- Hungry for Power [COMIC]: Friend Me is a social media comic published every Friday by Natasha Wescoat.We get it, b… http://bit.ly/c2cXJd #
- Yes, Google’s Bots Understand Code: Google indexes the web’s billions of web pages at lightning speed using Google… http://bit.ly/ay6ofu #
- People Love to Tweet About the iPhone and How they Hate AT&T [REPORT]: Initial reactions to the iPhone 4 have been… http://bit.ly/bxQOIj #
- Java: The Movie! Humor for Geeks [VIDEO]: Here’s a video that’s been making the rounds in the Mashable backchannel… http://bit.ly/9YWl0G #
- Yes, the iPhone 4 Will Shatter If You Drop It… Into a Blender [VIDEO]: Those wanton destroyers of super expensive,… http://bit.ly/dg1dL9 #
- Smartphones Continue to Threaten GPS Device Usage: comScore has released some numbers about smartphone and feature… http://bit.ly/dCrefb #
- Clean car. Yes! (@ Sunshine Brushless Car Wash) http://4sq.com/8OfeC2 #
- I'm at Duncan Donuts (600 s missouei, Clearwater). http://4sq.com/bMQ4jG #
- Top 10 Checkin Locations on Gowalla: What are the most visited places by location-based social networkers? Beside… http://bit.ly/9pn7NE #
- Top 10 Twitter Trends This Week [CHART]: This post is part of the Bing™ Twitter Trends Series. Check out the Bing… http://bit.ly/brkO4t #
- White iPhone 4 Spotted in UK Apple Store [VIDEO]: The white iPhone 4 didn’t make it out on launch day, much to som… http://bit.ly/dxdet4 #
- Top 10 Twitter Trends This Week [CHART]: This post is part of the Bing™ Twitter Trends Series. Check out the Bing… http://bit.ly/9M7CP7 #
- HOW TO: Find Good Food Online: Nowadays you can get pretty much anything you want online, but what if you really w… http://bit.ly/b4gbQV #
- HOW TO: Organize A Successful Meetup: This post originally appeared on the American Express OPEN Forum, where Mash… http://bit.ly/99ibUr #
- The Most Social Music Game Yet: “Def Jam Rapstar”: The new game Def Jam Rapstar from Konami and 4mm Games isn’t ju… http://bit.ly/cFOgww #
- 5 Awesome Arcade Games for the iPhone: Thanks to the modern console, arcade games will never hold as large a place… http://bit.ly/aMgRcY #
- Cheap Google Advertisements: Why are adwords so expensive? Because most people don't know how to use them! This … http://bit.ly/9VdaNe #
- The Most Social Music Game Yet: “Def Jam Rapstar”: The new game Def Jam Rapstar from Konami and 4mm Games isn’t ju… http://bit.ly/aGgf4O #
- First Trailer For “Facebook Movie”: What do you plan to do next weekend? Catch a movie with friends, perhaps? It … http://bit.ly/cLV3pK #
- On our way! (@ Sunshine Skyway (north side)) http://4sq.com/br8jnC #
- 35 Essential Social Media Resources You May Have Missed: Chances are you’ve been waiting in line all week for the … http://bit.ly/azKoDG #
- There’s No iPhone 4 Recall, No Matter What Twitter Says: The Daily Mail reported this morning than an iPhone 4 rec… http://bit.ly/bns3fr #
- What Twitter Places Means for the Future of Location: Despite the bungled launch and short hiatus, Twitter Places … http://bit.ly/bYDhfk #
- Made it (@ Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino) http://4sq.com/6Bkkft #
- 15 Awesome Android Accessories: Whether you own a Droid, sport a Nexus One or do the Backflip, there’s one thing y… http://bit.ly/cPEM63 #