Social Network Marketing

My Space, Classmates, Friendster, and Linked In are just a few in a large range of Social Networking Sites. Meeting New Friend, Catching Up with old friends and Networking is the name of the game

What are Social Networking Websites?

Social networking is as old as the ages – people have been meeting friends and networking since the dawn of time. The birth of the Internet, has allowed people to meet new friends and old in different places and in larger quantities than ever before. Create an account, add a picture, share likes and dislikes and a little history and away you go. is the most popular example of this type of site. Started in 2002 this site utilizes a networking technology that creates networking circles of friends. Create a site on the network, and people you know can find you or people who would like to. You can then see their friends, and perhaps make new friends and acquaintances from among this circle.

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