Call Us Now 1-800-920-1985 Listen to marketing trainer Diane Hochman as she explains why Social Media sites offer the average network marketer the chance of a lifetime. Develop free leads and an internet presence in ways there were not possible just a year ago.

Social media: Participatory online media where news, photos, videos, and podcasts are made public via social media websites through submission. Normally accompanied with a voting process to make media items become “popular”.[citation needed]

Social Media Expanded Definition: Social Media is the democratization of information, transforming people from content readers into content publishers. It is the shift from a broadcast mechanism to a many-to-many model, rooted in conversations between authors, people, and peers.

Social media uses the ?wisdom of crowds? to connect information in a collaborative manner. Social media can take many different forms, including Internet forums, message boards, weblogs, wikis, podcasts, pictures and video. Technologies such as blogs, picture-sharing, vlogs, wall-postings, email, instant messaging, music-sharing, group creation and voice over IP, to name a few. Examples of social media applications are Google (reference, social networking), Wikipedia (reference), MySpace (social networking), Facebook(social networking), (personal music), YouTube (social networking and video sharing), Second Life (virtual reality), and Flickr (photo sharing).

Contact Diane at 806 585-0882

Visit her site at

Ed Dale, Sherman Hu, Michelle MacPhearson, Stompernet, smarts, andy jenkins, twitter, utterz, jaiku, yoono, wowzaa, spock, pownce

Using Social Media To Create Social Media Training
Social media is quickly becoming a topic that no professional communicator can afford to ignore.
Social Media Training Wiki Badge
Promote the wiki on your site * o Video Blogs * Micro-Blogs * Podcasts * Useful Social Media Tools * Wikis * Social Bookmarking * Social Browsing * Social Networks * Social Media News Release * Digg * * Ma.gnolia * StumbleUpon

RSS Readers:
Google Reader

Conversation Tracking:
Google Alerts
Google Blog Search

Blogging platforms:
Blogger (free, hosted) (free, hosted) (free, open-source, host your own)
TypePad (free, hosted)
Tumblr (free, hosted)
Blogonize (free, hosted)
Chyrp (free, host-your-own)
Textpattern (free, open-source, host-your-own)
Movable Type (free, host-your-own)
Simplelog (free, host-your-own)

Monitoring Services:
Radian6 (paid)

Audio editing software:
Audacity (free)
MP3 encoder for Audacity (or other software)
WavePad (free or paid versions)

Podcast hosting:

RSS feed management:

Blog stats:
Google Analytics
Mint (paid)

Downloading YouTube videos:

YouTube (sharing)
Dailymotion (sharing)
Seesmic (production/sharing/community)
Viddler (production/sharing/community)
Mogulus (live streaming/production/sharing/community)
Kyte (production/sharing/community)
Vimeo (sharing/community)

Social Bookmarking
Micro-Blogging Tools: * Twhirl * Twitterific (Mac only) * iTweet (Mac only) * 60+ Twitter Tools (from Mashable) * The Wall Tweet Journal – A knowledge base for innovative Twittering, micro blogging, social media and Web 2.0 technologies * Twoogle – Custom Search Engine at The Wall Tweet Journal


This site explores social media training and provides a resource for those looking to evangelize social media in their organizations.

What should a ‘Social Media 101’ course cover? What tools should people be aware of? How should we use those tools? What are the pitfalls? What are the basics that everyone in your marketing/communications department should know?

In the spirit of social media, there’s no better way to develop a curriculum for social media training than through a wiki. Let the collaboration begin!
Category: People & Blogs
social media mlm training network marketing make money from home

Duration : 0:4:13

[youtube SswQlzFsMpQ]