iPad Made of Gold Will Set You Back $189,000

Thinking of buying an iPad, but the $829 price tag for the top model just sounds too plebeian for you? UK-based company Stuart Hughes, specialized in luxury gadgets, comes to the rescue with a solid gold, diamond-encrusted version of Apple’s magical and revolutionary tablet. The price is £129,995 or approximately $189,125, but it will buy […]

International iPad Pre-orders Are Live

Just as Apple promised last week, international iPad pre-orders are underway as of today. Customers from Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Spain, Switzerland and the UK can pre-order the iPad from their respective Apple stores; the actual device is slated to ship on May 28. As you can see, the prices are quite a […]

iPad: The Device of the Rich? [STATS]

Yahoo is out with interesting findings concering the demographics of iPad owners. The service analyzed the behaviors of Yahoo iPad users and found that men outnumber women two to one, Flickr usage is 143% higher than average, and international traffic accounts for 10% of all traffic (despite only being available for purchase in the U.S.). The […]

300,000 iPads 3G Sold on Launch Weekend [ESTIMATE]

So, now that the iPad 3G is finally available, what everyone wants to know is: how well is this thing selling? According to Piper Jaffray analyst Gene Munster, it’s selling great, pretty much the same as the 3G-less iPad, with about 300,000 sold on launch weekend. Munster surveyed 50 Apple stores to get this number, […]

Thieves Want to Steal the iPad, and They Will Rip Off Fingers to Get It

Some thieves will stop at nothing to steal your expensive iPad. In the case of 59 year old Bill Jordan (pictured right), the thief not only stole his iPad, but part of his left pinky finger. The story, according to Denver’s KDVR, goes like this: last Thursday, Jordan went to the Cherry Creek Mall in […]

iPad 3G Shipping By May 7th

Apple just updated its store with some more info on when, exactly, we can expect the iPad 3G version to ship. Their exact wording is “by May 7th,” which may mean some iPad 3Gs will be delivered earlier, though. As far as international availability goes, there’s nothing new in the Apple Store about that. Apple […]

Get a Custom Colored iPad… for a Price [VIDEO]

Sure, that Apple-flavored brushed aluminum finish might work for most iPad owners, but what if you’re a unique snowflake whose extremely non-conformist identity must be reflected in every item of consumer electronics you own? Enter the folks at ColorWare, who want to help add some serious Technicolor flair to your shiny new Apple tablet. You […]

Here Are Some Games You’ll Be Playing on the iPad

We already know that we’ll be able to use iPhone applications on the iPad, scaled to iPad’s bigger screen size. But what native iPad apps has Apple approved so far? PadGadget has done some digging through iTunes’ web interface and found out several titles with “HD” in their title, which (in most cases) signifies an […]

The iPad Poses a Threat to Kindle’s Market Share [STATS]

Independent research boutique ChangeWave surveyed 3,171 consumers and found that consumer pre-launch interest in the iPad is high. Data demonstrates that consumers are more interested in purchasing an iPad than they were the iPhone prior to launch. Also, 27% of existing e-reader owners indicated they would have purchased the iPad over the model they own […]