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2 of 7 Dr.Turi_Cosmic_Code_and_UFO

Dr. Turi Astropsychology ufo cosmic code o my friend; Now you watch Dr. Turi at work on youtube – and enjoy his last two televised appearances including his philosophy and his 4 incredible UFO experiences stories. The last Hypnotic healing part of this video is missing but available to you by ordering it from […]

1of 7 Dr.Turi_Cosmic_Code_and_UFO

Dr. Turi Astropsychology UFO and Cosmic Code. o my friend; Now you watch Dr. Turi at work on youtube – and enjoy his last two televised appearances including his philosophy and his 4 incredible UFO experiences stories. The last Hypnotic healing part of this video is missing but available to you by ordering it […]

Full Moon January 10, 2009 is information about newsletters, classes and readings. This full moon will happen in Gemini. The full moon is a time to let go of bad habits that may be holding you back. With the full moon in Gemini you can focus on not being so overstimulated and rather apply the skills and information you […]