The VP Picks and Social Media

Social media lessons from the social media strategies used by Barack Obama by selecting Joe Biden and John McCain by selecting Sarah Palin. Duration : 1 min 47 sec

David Icke Newsletter Preview 25th Feb 2009 Please Dont Riot Its What They Want

THANKS TO Videodactyle FOR THIS INFO….. FROM Videodactyle : “The global economic collapse is designed to trigger a stream of benefits to the Illuminati agenda. One, as I said in a recent newsletter, is to use this as an excuse to impose a global economic dictatorship controlled by a world central bank. But there are […]

David Icke – Newsletter Preview 25/02/09 Please Don´t Riot, It´s What They Want!

Very, very important… Newsletter Playlist: “The global economic collapse is designed to trigger a stream of benefits to the Illuminati agenda. One, as I said in a recent newsletter, is to use this as an excuse to impose a global economic dictatorship controlled by a world central bank. But there are many other solutions […]

David Icke – Newsletter Preview 02/01/09 Time To Tell The Truth About Israel

WWW.DAVIDICKE.COM/ISRAEL Music: Brahms – Symphonie No. 1 Op. 68 C-Moll Andante sostenuso (Thanks Patrick Bercke) The David Icke Newsletter Goes Out On Sunday “The parallels are endless between the bloodthirsty God of the Old Testament and the actions of the heartless, soulless, Artificial Intelligence that controls Israel, most notably the biological robots of the House […]

David Icke – Newsletter Preview 21/11/08 Barack Obama, The Naked Emperor

WWW.DAVIDICKE.COM/OBAMA “The David Icke Newsletter Goes Out On Sunday With A 5,000-Word Special On The Obama Myth!” “Obama’s predominant mantra is ‘change’. Indeed, his massively-funded, record-breaking campaign has been based on that one word – change. This is a technique used by Bill Clinton and many others and it is highly effective because, at […]

Barack OBAMA on Social Media

ValleyZen’s Drue Kataoka meets Senator Barack Obama and films him talking about the role of Social Media in his campaign Duration : 0:2:20

White House 2.0: Social Media and Government Transparency

Complete video at: Ellen Miller, Executive Director of the Sunlight Foundation, says it is the responsibility of government to embrace technology and provide political transparency.” Government should be born open, not born secret,” she says. —– Technology evangelists believe that Barack Obama has the potential to fundamentally alter communication between the presidency and the […]