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The Uphill Battle of Building a Web Analytics Culture

All those who have worked at companies which never used or do not use web analytics to make decisions about site changes, know how difficult it is to create a culture of web analytics. It is very hard. Building a culture of web analytics is a grueling uphill task. After working with various client I […]

Yahoo! Clue Search Trends

Yahoo! has released a new Web based tool which offers an interesting and visually appealing way to explore search trends. Yahoo! Clues provides a way to discover and compare trending information. What makes Clues so interesting is that it provides not just search volume charts, but demographic graphs, maps and even related searches to a… […]

Why SEO costs what it does

Why SEO costs what it does and why you should never hire someone who fills out your lead form and gives their address as I need to go on a rant here for a minute.  Has this ever happened to you?  On four separate occasions in the last three weeks someone with an e-mail […]

He’ll Be Back: Arnold Schwarzenegger is on Foursquare

How can you tell that location-based social networking service Foursquare is entering the mainstream? Well, movie stars who became governors of California using the service is a very good clue in that direction. Yes, you can now find out Arnold Schwarzenegger’s whereabouts on Foursquare. He already has over 1000 followers, which is no wonder considering […]