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Is a Twitter News Service What Consumers Need?

Many are getting a substantial amount of their news today from Twitter, but Twitter appears to have higher aspirations for becoming an important news service. Note: this article has been updated following recent developments. Co-founder Biz Stone told Reuters this week, "From the very beginning this has seemed almost as if it’s a news wire […]

Twitter News Service Here: "It's Called Twitter"

To set the record straight, there’s been a lot of confusion around what Twitter may or may not be doing, stemming from an interview Reuters did with Twitter co-founder Biz Stone.  Stone originally appeared to indicate that the company was considering partnering with news organizations on some kind of new Twitter news service. Since then, […]

Hundreds of Twitter Accounts Hacked [WARNING]

It seems hundreds of Twitter accounts have started to Tweet out “weight loss” product spam today. Specifically, users who have had their accounts hijacked are Tweeting the message “I lost 20 lbs in 2 weeks!” and links to diet sites. Our source counts over 200 rogue tweets so far tonight. It’s not just new users […]