"Town of Allopath" (No wonder we keep getting Sicker & Sicker, and Fatter & Fatter!!)
“And that crazy idea is that prevention is the answer, not the mere treatment of symptoms.” If this “crazy idea” makes sense to you… If you refuse to be a passive member of the Town of Allopath who sits idly by while your health and well-being are obliterated by organizations like the drug companies and […]
Newsletter Censored 03/21/09
This weeks show signing off with the newsletter promo. Support this work with your gift and receive a free annual subscription to Newsletter Censored, fighting censorship and neoconservative propaganda, since 1977. Free market capitalism strikes again! Newsletter Censored Video Broadcast at the research center. www.megalife21.com, www.newslettercensored.com Duration : 0:5:33
Newsletter Censored 03/21/09
James and The Reverend Dr. William J. Eisenman discuss health, nutrition, and longevity. Free market capitalism strikes again! Newsletter Censored Video Broadcast at the research center. www.megalife21.com, www.newslettercensored.com Duration : 0:9:19
2 of 7 Dr.Turi_Cosmic_Code_and_UFO
Dr. Turi Astropsychology ufo cosmic code o my friend; Now you watch Dr. Turi at work on youtube – http://www.youtube.com/drturistar and enjoy his last two televised appearances including his philosophy and his 4 incredible UFO experiences stories. The last Hypnotic healing part of this video is missing but available to you by ordering it from […]
1of 7 Dr.Turi_Cosmic_Code_and_UFO
Dr. Turi Astropsychology UFO and Cosmic Code. o my friend; Now you watch Dr. Turi at work on youtube – http://www.youtube.com/drturistar and enjoy his last two televised appearances including his philosophy and his 4 incredible UFO experiences stories. The last Hypnotic healing part of this video is missing but available to you by ordering it […]
Social Media Topics! Dr. Sally Witt interviews Justin Zimmerman 1 of 2
Justin Zimmerman http://linkedin.com/in/justinz Dr. Sally Witt, Social Media Maven! www.drsallywitt.com Dr. Sally is proud to interview visionary Justin Zimmerman, the man in the know! As a writer, presenter, and thought leader in the real estate industry, Justin has been focused on the exploring and unleashing the economic possibilities of burgeoning communication channels to deliver high […]