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Hitlantis is a Gorgeous World of Indie Music

Penn Olson features start-ups. Find out more here. If you’re into music, you got to check out Hitlantis, a Finland-based free-to-listen indie music web start-up. I’m promoting it with strong reasons. My first on-trial impression was great. After signing up (takes just 30 seconds), you are thrown straight into its music database and greeted by a […]

The Brave New World of Marketing

This is a summary of a presentation by Daniel Lee (@danlee888), Regional Director of Euro RSCG (@eurorscg), at the iStrategy Conference, 2010. Once again, we’re reminded that social media isn’t a final strategy. Before jumping onto the social media bandwagon, it’s crucial that we understand how it has changed the scene. So what’s changed? Nothing much, […]

FRIDAY POLL: Will Desktops Be Irrelevant Soon?

Happy Friday, people! Along with the venerable tradition of Follow Friday, today also marks this week’s edition of the Friday Poll. Last week we wanted to know if location checkin services freak you out in terms of privacy concerns. Reactions were pretty mixed, although many of you felt like services gave you enough control over […]