Is Palm Crumbling Before Our Eyes?

Oh how the mighty have fallen. 18 years ago, Palm was founded by Jeff Hawkins. Since then, it has had a tumultuous history of being acquired (in 1995 by U.S. Robotics Corp, which was then acquried by 3Com in 1997), IPOing during the dot-com boom, and splitting off into two pieces in 2002. Yet despite […]

Next-Gen iPhone Defeats Droid Incredible in Reader Poll

The next generation of smartphones are going to be on the market ver soon, but two will clearly dominate the discussion: the Android-based Droid Incredible by HTC and the 4th generation iPhone, whose pics have leaked out all across the web. We asked you, the readers, to choose between the next-gen iPhone and the Droid […]

iPhone Dominates Japanese Smartphone Market

When it comes to smartphones in Japan, the market has changed drastically in the last year. Approximately one year ago, Wired wrote that the Japanese hated the iPhone. Three months later, a survey showed that the iPhone was the top selling smartphone in Japan. And in December 2009, a report from Impress indicated that the […]

Palm is For Sale

Palm, the smartphone pioneer, is on the block. The company, which in recent years has been eclipsed by the iPhone (and to some extent by Google’s Android OS), failed to make much of a comeback with its most recent Pre and Pixi phones. Now Bloomberg reports the inevitable: Goldman Sachs and Qatalyst Partners have been […]

CTIA 2010 in Review: Top Trends in Mobile

The CTIA Wireless Association’s annual Las Vegas mobile-centric show has wrapped up for this year, and a few key trends emerged. We wanted to bring you some of the high points from the show that shed light on what’s hot now as well as what’s on the horizon in mobile in the near near future. […]

HTC EVO 4G: Sprint’s First WiMAX Phone

Sprint let some hot news fly at CTIA today: The first commercially available phone that will support the WiMAX next-generation cell network will be the HTC EVO 4G. It’s a powerhouse of a phone, running a 1GHz processor even more powerful than what’s under the hood of the Nexus One. While AT&T and Verizon quibble […]

NOT the iPhone® on your Pocket PC for a free trial download of iLaunch. iLaunch is a screen lock and application launcher utility for Pocket PC (phones). It does some of the things the iPhone® does, a lot less, and a few things more. Watch a demo video of iLaunch in action. This video and software do NOT contain copyrighted material […]


spj homescreens i have collected screenshots of from the past months. thansk to all users and developers that made these possible. these are all collected and can be found at Duration : 0:6:38

Performance of Pocket PC devices

This video test the performance of 3 windows Mobile Pocket PC ( Dell Axim 51v, Hp Ipaq 1940x and Qtek 9100 ) simultaneous in real time with vsbenchmark 2006 View the rest of the score here: Duration : 0:5:38