Justin Bieber, Facebook and MTV Partner on Cyberbullying Initiative

Pop superstar (and Grammy nominated) Justin Bieber is partnering with Facebook and MTV’s A Thin Line to help stop digital abuse – things like cyberbullying, online stalking, and "textual harassment." If anyone has the power to do so, it would be Bieber, who has a ridiculous amount of influence over the young’ns. Facebook and MTV […]

Google Zeitgeist 2010 Insights: How 'Bout Them Apples?

Google's annual analysis of search, Zeitgeist, has been released for 2010. Along with some unsurprising results – such as leading events of the Haiti earthquake, Chile and … Justin Bieber – there are some interesting observations to be made; most notably that Apple is in the driver's seat. The fastest rising search term of all […]

Twitter Releases Top Trends of 2010 for Various Categories

Twitter launched its year-end top trends list today. The top overall trends for 2010 were as follows: 1. Gulf Oil Spill 2. FIFA World Cup 3. Inception 4. Haiti Earthquake 5. Vuvuzela 6. Apple iPad 7. Google Android 8. Justin Bieber 9. Harry Potter & the Deathly Hallows 10. Pulpo Paul Twitter also broke down […]

The Most Discussed Halloween Candy on Twitter

E.Life, a social media monitoring firm, has released an interesting look at what Halloween candies people have been tweeting about the most. Snickers takes the cake. It’s no surprise really. You’d be hard pressed to find a better candy.  What’s your favorite Halloween candy? Let us know in the comments. E.Life looked at candy brands […]

Top 10 Twitter Trends This Week [CHART]

There’s only one person who Twitter loves more than Justin Bieber, and that’s Mom. Her special day came in at number one on this week’s top trends list. Even after the results of the UK’s general election were in, the new coalition government remained on the minds of many tweeters this week. Sports, music and […]

Twitter Improves Trending Topic Algorithm: Bye Bye, Bieber!

Twitter has updated the algorithm behind its popular Trending Topics feature, changing the focus from the most discussed items to what is “most breaking” and “immediately popular.” Twitter confirmed to Mashable that on Wednesday it made updates to improve the relevancy of trending topics. In the past, trending topics were dominated by consistently popular items […]

The 20 Most Popular Twitter Users, According to the “Accept” Bug

If the “accept” bug we encountered this week taught us anything about Twitter, it showed us who users are most desperate to have follow them back. As a refresher, yesterday’s bug allowed users to tweet, for example, “accept mashable.” This would then make the account @mashable automatically follow the user who sent out that tweet. […]

Top 10 Twitter Trends This Week [CHART]

Justin Bieber, supreme overlord of Twitter, retains his iron grip on a fairly stable list of popular topics. With a few caveats, not much has changed since last week’s list of trends. NBA playoffs and NFL draft picks set the sports world abuzz, while the UK elections crept ever closer with a third and final […]

Top 10 Twitter Trends This Week [CHART]

There are no prizes for guessing the top Twitter trend this week, since a certain Canadian pop singer has appeared in the chart every week since this series began. Some new topics are worth noting, however: Earth Day got Twitter users talking, while the UK elections also set tongues wagging. Below is the top 10 […]

Tina Fey Does Sarah Palin on “SNL” [VIDEO]

Comedienne and actress Tina Fey reprised her role as Sarah Palin on Saturday Night Live last night, and Justin Bieber appeared in several sketches too. Sketches posted to Hulu have been hot on the web for hours now, especially on Google, Facebook, and Twitter. Last night was a homecoming for Fey, a former SNL cast […]

Top 10 Twitter Trends This Week [CHART]

It’s finally come to pass — the Boy King of Twitter, Justin Bieber, has been dethroned by everyone’s favorite egg-themed holiday, Easter, in this week’s trending topics. We’ve got another insightful glance at the goings-on of the Twitterverse, thanks to our pals at What The Trend. Because this is a topical list, hashtag memes and […]

Top 10 Twitter Trends This Week [CHART]

What do Twitter users care about? Based on this week’s most-tweeted trends – pop stars, the environment, Easter, sports and Lady Gaga. Our weekly roundup of the most talked-about Twitter topics delivers few surprises over the past 7 days … teen idol Justin Bieber leads the chart once again, while March Madness makes an appearance. […]

Twitter Unveils New Homepage [PIC]

Twitter has just rolled out a new homepage that non-logged in users see when they visit Twitter.com. It features scrolling trending topics, “top tweets” (a tweet from Justin Bieber was the first one I saw… go figure), and a “who’s here” with avatars of well-known users and brands that are on the microblogging service. It’s […]

Top 10 Twitter Trends This Week [CHART]

Justin Bieber’s imperial reign over the Twitterverse remains uncontested for the fourth straight week, thanks to the release of his new album “My World 2.0″ and the recent arrest of his manager. Our friends at What The Trend have crunched the numbers for us, and provided a week-long measure of what’s been hot on Twitter. […]

Top 10 Twitter Trends This Week [CHART]

Justin Bieber remains an immutable force of Twitter trend power, taking the top slot again for the third week in a row. Tweeters also showed their love (and/or disdain) for a number of other pop singers, and celebrated a few holidays this past week. Thanks to our friends at What The Trend, we have yet […]