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SEO Best Practices / Wil Reynolds teaches which SEO practices are no longer used before explaining best SEO practices. Duration : 0:4:4

Seth Godin: Sliced bread and other marketing delights In a world of too many options and too little time, our obvious choice is to ignore the ordinary stuff. Marketing guru Seth Godin spells out why, when it comes getting our attention, bad or bizarre ideas are more successful than boring ones. And early adopters, not the mainstream’s bell curve, are the new […]

Virales Marketing im Todesstern Stuttgart

There is now an ENGLISH version in my other videos! For Germans: Ohne Worte. Aber alle Rechte liegen bei Lucasfilm Ltd. und Twentieth Century Fox of Germany GmbH. Nur, dass das klar ist. Duration : 0:2:8

Search advertising and Google AdWords Learn how search advertising with Google AdWords can help your business reach new customers when they are searching on Google for the products and services you offer. You will also hear from a few business owners who are leveraging Google AdWords to successfully acquire new customers and grow their businesses. Duration : 0:15:29

Marketing Tips: Recession

Hi Everyone, I know a lot of you are worried about the recession. What does it mean to me? Will I be able to support my family? Why is the price of gas so high that I have now used vacation budget just to get to work? Am I going to make it? Well, there […]

Laura Betterly on Website Conversions

Hi Everyone, Hope you are all doing well. I thought I’d spend a few minutes going over an interesting discovery with regarding website conversions. As you probably know, we almost always suggest putting a lead form on all websites. We also suggest that a phone number is prominently displayed on the site. In addition, we […]

Organic Listings VS Pay Per Click What's the big deal??

Good question. Having a website is great. It truely is your storefront, but what’s the point if it can’t be found? It’s like having the very best prices for designer footwear but your storefont is a fifth floor walk up in Harlem near some drug dealers. Noone will find you. There are many companies that […]

You get what you pay for!

Hi Everyone, I was talking to a colleague of mine yesterday and you know, we were commiserating about client experiences we have had, where we have done a great job, no not great, but beyond great job and the client then went and offered us a fee that was practically insulting. He told me a […]

Six Marketing Tips

Hi Everyone, In talking to a lot of people who have their own businesses I often hear I know everything about my business, but the phone isn’t ringing. What’s wrong? It’s a problem that almost everyone in business that isn’t a marketing expert faces. You can be the best plumber, tax accountant, or doctor in […]