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Yelp gets an Unofficial Theme Song [VIDEO]

Alex, Aaron and Rachel are the three geniuses who created this unofficial theme song for Yelp. The song communicates how Yelp has helped in different situations in life in a humorous fashion. It sure took a lot of effort to create the video. But I guess when you really love a product, it is worth going […]

US-Sino Currency Rap Battle on YouTube [VIDEO]

One week and over 200k hits, this video has the potential to go viral. The animation video depicts the ongoing economic tension between U.S and China in a humorous manner. It also mentions some controversial issues like Liu Xiao Bo, the recent Nobel Peace Prize recipient and the relationship between IMF and the U.S. I’m […]

YouTube Video Resumes Are Ingenious [VIDEOS]

We have seen how people use Google AdWords and Google styled resume to get employers’ attention. Now, add YouTube into this portfolio. Several months ago, Graeme Anthony, a PR practitioner created a series of video resumes through YouTube. The video is simple, cool and to the point. At the end of the introduction video appears […]