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$1 Billion Yandex IPO Set For This Summer

Anyone who would like to invest in Russia’s most successful search engine may want to start saving pennies and talking to his (or her) stockbroker.  Reports indicate that Yandex, which has had little trouble fending off Google in its home market, will go public and try to raise $1 billion this summer. A post on […]

Solving the Insolvable Problem of Information Overload

Every now and then, a debate will pop up in the Blogosphere/Twitterverse about whether or not RSS is dead. One such debate has been raging this week, and has even got some high profile tech bloggers bickering in an embarrassingly public manner (name-calling and all).  Do you think RSS is "dead"? Tell us why or […]

Rumor: Steve Ballmer, Dick Costolo Met For Breakfast

Brace yourself for another round of rumors about acquisitions, partnerships, and funding possibilities.  Steve Ballmer and Dick Costolo supposedly met for breakfast this week, and it’s a rare person who will imagine all they discussed was the fat content of donuts. To be fair: no one’s claimed that they observed the CEOs of Microsoft and […]

Can CopyPress Solve Your Content Dilemma?

Despite the occasional attempts to prove otherwise, today’s Internet professionals tend to agree that content is king. Web success of any kind is enhanced immeasurably by the presence of useful, engaging content that users are compelled to share with friends and colleagues. This simple fact presents a dilemma for many businesses,… [[ This is a […]