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The Things Google Did in 2010 (The Second Quarter)

We’re looking at the things Google has done over the course of the year. For the first quarter, read this article. Now we’ll pick up in the second quarter.  Allow me to include the disclaimer from the previous post: I have not included every single Google-related story of the year. That would require a book (and […]

The Things Google Did in 2010 (The Fourth Quarter)

We’re looking at the things Google has done over the course of the year. For the first quarter, read this article. Then find the second quarter here and the third quarter here. Now we’re on to the fourth quarter.  Allow me to include the disclaimer from the previous posts: I have not included every single Google-related story of the year. […]

The Things Google Did in 2010 (The First Quarter)

I started off aiming to write an article about all of the things Google has done over the course of the year, and quickly realized that this would be one massive article, even if I only briefly mentioned everything. So I have decided to split the article up into quarters, so you don’t have to […]