Betty White’s “Saturday Night Live” Gig Dominated Hulu
The Betty White-hosted episode of Saturday Night Live led last week’s Hulu viewership stats — just one more sign of success for the episode that was NBC’s most-viewed on the air in 18 months. NewTeeVee reports that five clips related to the show and the full episode stream were among the top 20 videos between […]
“Glee” Explained in 60 Seconds [VIDEO]
Are you confused by this whole “Glee“ thing currently overtaking the Interwebs? Then watch this video that the brilliant minds at Babelgum and LandlineTV put together. This parody pretty much sums up everything you need to know about FOX’s hit TV show in just over a minute. After you get clued in, we highly recommending […]
“I’m With CoCo” Artist Makes Big Bucks From Conan’s Tour
Mike Mitchell, the artist who created the now-iconic “I’m With CoCo” image of Conan O’Brien that has circulated through Facebook profile pictures and blogs since NBC’s The Tonight Show scheduling controversy, told TMZ that he’s been paid by Conan’s producers for the right to use the image during Conan’s impending “Legally Prohibited from Being Funny […]