Bing Launches Destination Pages for Cities

Bing has launched “Destination Pages” for city searches. If you go to a city’s page, you will find information about events, weather, flights, news, etc. related to that city.  You can find them by simply searching on Bing for a city and clicking the "Destinations" tab.  "The new feature assembles all of the relevant information […]

6 Great Gloves for Touchscreen Gadget Lovers

Well, the weather outside is frightful (in the Northern Hemisphere anyway), so you just might be regretting your choice of a touchscreen-equipped handset as your portable phone. Take your gloves off to send a text? Not in this weather. As…

Hulu Plus Makes Appearance On Sony Dash

Hulu Plus, the $9.99 per month service that has so far failed to attract much positive attention, scored another (small) victory today.  Now Hulu Plus is available through the Sony Dash, a device designed to inhabit bedrooms, kitchens, and offices. A little more info on the Dash in case you’re unfamiliar with it: Sony describes […]

Follow the 2010 Tour de France With Bing Maps

Looking for tools to help you follow the 2010 Tour de France? Microsoft has built an app for Bing Maps that visualizes the various stages of the race and provides information like weather and results. You can…

5 Ways to Send Real-Life Gifts To Your Twitter Friends

The online nature of Twitter means that it’s highly unlikely you know the physical addresses of many of the people you follow, which if you want to send them something in the real world, could be problematic. Whether it’s a Twitter buddy’s birthday, someone’s a little under the weather, you want to say thank you, […]

Do iPhone Apps Really Look Good on iPad’s Screen?

John Gruber of Daring Fireball has an interesting story about the absence of certain iPhone apps – Stocks, Calculator, Clock, Weather, Voice Memos – on the iPad. It seems that these apps, when scaled up to iPad’s bigger screen, simply didn’t look good enough to Steve Jobs, so he decided to scrap them. Writes Gruber: […]