- In Venice for dinner! (@ Crows nest) http://4sq.com/a37hB4 #
- Dinner out with Steve after a great week! (@ Thirsty Marlin) http://4sq.com/ckSfFm #
- "Interview with Eric Hamm, the developer of wordpress theme Frugal | Yada Yada …" – http://bit.ly/9veNal (via @Apture) #
- I'm at Publix (2770 West Bay Drive, Belleair Bluffs). http://4sq.com/ayBNnF #
- Electro mix 6.74. Great prices (@ Vitamin Discount Center) http://4sq.com/c6mRWp #
- What do you do if your’re going on TV in twelve hours and your website doesn’t work?: Sounds like an impossible si… http://bit.ly/dgwORb #
- Hack: iPad 3G Runs on T-Mobile, Sends Texts [VIDEO]: The 3G version of Apple’s iPad hit store shelves on Friday, … http://bit.ly/aJ9koC #
- Building Your Business One Conversation At A Time: Traditional marketing still works. But it generally doesn’t pos… http://bit.ly/bPBuds #
- Are Likes and Retweets the New Links?: Search has been evolving for years, and it looks as though its really start… http://bit.ly/9NSm2P #
- Facebook Chat for Groups: Clobby: If you’ve ever wanted to have more real-time interaction for your Facebook Page… http://bit.ly/cphHeV #