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Click above to get your free video with Mike Dillard, Jim Yaghi, Aaron & Sophia Rashkin. This course will save you hours in time and thousands of dollars with google adwords ppc.

Step-By-Step PPC Training Course Ever Created Just For Networkers
How to "glide" through setting up your first AdWords account in 13 minutes or lessâ??even if you've never used the Internet before.
A simple "short cut" that makes learning and profiting from AdWords twice as fast.
The easiest way to make money with Google AdWords when starting out.

How to make your AdWords advertising 100% FREE. (And, in fact, actually make you money every time you run your ads!)

A sneaky way to use AdWords to get dozens of leaders to eagerly send traffic to your websites. (And without having to speak with them, make any special deals with them, or pay them anything.)

A neat little way of using your computer's spell check function to make your Google ads draw twice …

Duration : 54 sec

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