Yahoo And Zillow Partner On Real Estate
Yahoo said today that all of its real estate listings will now be powered by Zillow. Zillow will also sell local advertising on both sites, and the 4 million listings on Zillow will appear on Yahoo Real Estate. Real estate agents will be able to advertise locally on Yahoo Real Estate, and home buyers will […]
A New Way to Advertise: Ambient Point of Action
There is a new breed of online ads out there, and they are gaining in popularity and usage. Ambient Point of Action advertisments (APA) cover the entire Web page where a user is set to accomplish a specific task – such as logging into a website or conducting a search. But unlike an interstitial ad […]
How and Why Remarketing Can Gain Back Lost Customers
Late last year, and the Search Engine Marketing Professional Organization (SEMPO) shared some interesting findings from a survey on ad technology, and found that remarketing (sometimes called retargeting) was considered the most under-utilized online marketing technology by nearly half or respondents. Since then, Google has launched remarketing capabilities for AdWords, and I’m guessing the […]
Landing Pages on Facebook Versus Twitter
While "selling" to people using Facebook isn’t always the best idea if you want to maintain a good brand reputation, Facebook does of course offer advertising, which gives you the opportunity to do that without spamming your "friends" or "fans". WebProNews recently sat down with Janet Driscoll Miller of Search Mojo, who spoke a little […]
What is Advertising?
What is Advertising? How can it benefit me? Video from Duration : 47 sec
North American Google AdWords Reseller Program
Learn about the Google AdWords Authorized Reseller program in North America and see if it’s a good fit for your organization. If you’re interested in getting in touch with our team, please visit Duration : 0:2:21