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Social media marketing, where do I start? Social media marketing is a technique of using free user generated web sites such as MySpace and Facebook to attract targeted traffic, i.e. potential customers, who are interested in what you have to say and what you have to sell. It is easy for new people to get overwhelmed and not know where to […]

Howard Greenstein at Social Media Jungle – CES

A few words from Howard Greenstein before he presented at the Social Media Jungle session at CES 2009. You can learn a little more about how Howard uses social media in his work at Duration : 0:1:3

Social Media and Web 2.0 Strategies of the Top Earners While dealing with social media and web 2.0, Travis found one of the most important and seemingly forbidden strategies used by the top earners in the industry who use these techniques. You have to watch the video to find out! Follow Travis on Twitter, Duration : 0:4:46

Social Media and Your Business DVD I’m extremely excited to offer you my very first DVD. Check out this 3.5 hour social media analysis DVD and workbook. It comes with a 30 day money back guarantee. Duration : 0:5:50

Chiropractic Marketing | 2009's BIG Secret Chiropractic marketing has BIG secret in 2009. Video marketing will no longer be optional, it will be A MUST! Only 1 chiropractor per zip-code will be accepted, as spots are filling-up fast. chiropractic marketing 2009 chiropractor video social media networking matthew loop internet chiropractic marketing chiropractic consultant consulting chiropractor coaching chiropractor warning web […]

Are there rules in social media?

Are there rules in social media? That’s the question that needs answered. Should someone be able to dictate to you how to use Twitter and Facebook? Or should you just be able to use them how you wish? Duration : 0:3:32

Social Media Madness

Please take the time to shoot over to thie blog to see all the links to good people in social media! Duration : 0:8:7

Overview, Origins, and Basic Ingredients of Social Media

You’ve heard the term: Social Media. You’ve heard the phenomenal stories of using internet blogs and marketing campaigns on social networking sites. But what does this really mean? In this class you will learn the basic ingredients of the social media community including bulletin boards, videos and photos. You will be given an introduction to […]