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Concerning Bing's More-Accurate-Than-Google Search Results

It’s pretty clear that Experian Hitwise has a comfortable familiarity with Tom Smykowski’s “Jump to Conclusions” mat, at least in regards to comparing search result accuracy with Google and Bing.  It’s either that or perhaps the “online competitive intelligence service” needs another lesson in correlation and causation. In a recent report discussing Bing’s improved market […]

H&M Organizes Flash Mob to Promote Children’s Clothes [VIDEO]

Here’s a nice foil for Philly’s recent spat of violent flash mobs: A bunch of adorable children spontaneously breaking out into a sick dance routine in San Francisco’s Union Square. Yeah, they’re basically shilling for H&M — but the dance is rather impressive and deserves a look. Utilizing flash mobs — which began as a […]