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Web Technologies, Games and The Future of Learning

We understand how technology has affected the business landscape. How about education? Are whiteboards, PowerPoint slides and projectors the best that we can do? I doubt so. So, how have educational thought leaders and organizations embraced technology? And what are the implications towards the future of learning? In this article we’ll explore three different ways how […]

2 of 7 Dr.Turi_Cosmic_Code_and_UFO

Dr. Turi Astropsychology ufo cosmic code o my friend; Now you watch Dr. Turi at work on youtube – and enjoy his last two televised appearances including his philosophy and his 4 incredible UFO experiences stories. The last Hypnotic healing part of this video is missing but available to you by ordering it from […]

1of 7 Dr.Turi_Cosmic_Code_and_UFO

Dr. Turi Astropsychology UFO and Cosmic Code. o my friend; Now you watch Dr. Turi at work on youtube – and enjoy his last two televised appearances including his philosophy and his 4 incredible UFO experiences stories. The last Hypnotic healing part of this video is missing but available to you by ordering it […]

Eritrea – Welcome To Eritrea, Africa's Hidden Gem ©

Did you know that more tourist (410,000 of them) visit Eritrea each year than all of Sudan, Ethiopia, Somalia and djibouti combined?? (SOURCE: ). Eritrea’s Wildlife habitats: Eritrea is home to a RARE mix of inter-bred Indian and African elephants that mixed when the British invaded modern day Eritrea in 1878 with thousands of […]

Ever New Joy Newsletter: Give First!

Hello there! This is the first of my video newsletters! In this newsletter the SUN closely follows what I am talking about it. It is very interesting! I did not plan or record this vudeo multiple times to get this effect, the Sun was literally following what I was saying! I discuss how GIVING is […]