Alt text

Alt text: Alt (short for ‘alternative’) text is HTML code that allows text to be added to a graphic image. This text will be readable by users who have images disabled in settings, or who hover their pointer above a banner. Alt text is frequently used to add emphasis or prompt click-throughs. […]

Algorithm – The term search engines use for the formulae they use to determine the rankings of your Natural Listings. Search engines will periodically send a Spider through your Web site to view all its information. Their programs analyze then analyze this and other data to value your site and fix whether or not, and how high […]

AJAX: the acronym for asynchronous JavaScript and XML, a group of interrelated web development techniques used in the creation of web applications. AJAX represents a group of web tools that allow for user interaction with a webpage and also active data collection that does not interfere with a person’s ability to use a website. The number […]

AIDA: A simple marketing acronym that describes the supposed path to successful selling. The following responses should be provoked in this order: A = attention I = interest D = desire A = action The movement from Attention to Action will narrow down, in terms of numbers. The first time a person visits the advertiser’s website, […]

Agency: A company that provides advertising-related services to their clients. Under most circumstances the advertising agency will be independent from the company that wishes to sell a product or service. The advantage to hiring an outside contractor lies in being able to obtain a fresh perspective and creativity in developing effective campaign ads. Some companies, however, […]
Affinity marketing

Affinity marketing: This is an umbrella term for any marketing approach that extrapolates possible future purchases from past ones, e.g. Amazon’s customers who bought items like this also bought…’ recommendations. […]
Affiliate marketing

Affiliate marketing: An advertising system based on the CPA (Cost Per Action) payment method, where websites display advertisers’ banners for free but receive payment when registrations or sales result from click throughs. In its purest form, affiliate marketing simply describes the use of one website to drive traffic to another. […]

Advertorial: An advertisement designed to blend in with the appearance and tone of the editorial content it runs alongside. Advertorials are designed to appear as articles to a person viewing the page. This type of advertising can read much like a newspaper editorial piece or a published research study. Advertorials can contain product comparisons, research data, […]
Ad units

Ad units: These refer to the different types of ads which appear online, including banners, interstitials, pop-ups, skyscrapers and text links. It is generally considered optimal to place the ad unit near the […]
Ad space

Ad space: The area on a web page set aside for the display of ads. Google, Yahoo and Bing offer ad space services. The ads are usually set up to correspond with specific searches done by users. This is a paid service where keywords used in ads must be bid on by advertisers prior to use. […]
Ad server

Ad server: Normally operated by a third party, an ad server delivers and tracks ads on websites. Ad servers perform a useful role in building trust between advertisers and publishers since the statistics they supply are likely to be free of spin. Ad server content is updated on a regular basis to keep advertisements fresh and […]
Ad network

Ad network: An advertising company that brokers deals between online publishers and advertisers. Bigger ad networks aggregate sites into general categories so that they can offer advertisers targeted markets. Ad networks are responsible for selling and serving the majority of Internet advertising. Ad networks sell advertising space for online ads. This space can be on a […]
Ad flight

Ad flight: The total length of an advertising campaign. There is no standard time frame for how long a certain ad can run. Generally speaking, however, the same ad tends to lose its impact over time as it saturates the market and people first get used to seeing it and then began tuning it out. Commercials […]
Acquisition Cost

Acquisition Cost – The cost of gaining a new customer. Advertisers consider the amount of revenue potential from a potential customer over a life time to determine maximum acquisition cost. This is a long-term perspective. A business looks at what it will cost to acquire a new customer and hold on to that customer over time. […]
Above the fold

Above the fold: Any area of a web page that can be viewed without visitors having to scroll. Ad space in this area tends to have a higher value than that located elsewhere on the page. The area of a web page that can be seen without any scrolling or clicking is the area that will […]