MySpace Issues User Data Protection Update

New features, celebrity endorsements, and a redesign can only get a site so far.  More than ever, users want to know their private information is safe.  So this week, MySpace issued a clear statement to the effect that the social network is protecting users’ data. Remember the big third-party-apps-are-leaking-data-to-advertisers scare in October?  MySpace responded to […]

Remembering What Facebook Has Done Since the Beginning of 2010

2010 has been a huge year for Facebook – arguably the company’s biggest yet. CEO Mark Zuckerberg was named Person of the Year by Time magazine, a Hollywood movie about the founding of the company was released in theaters, and attracted a great deal of critical buzz. The company launched the "open graph", possibly the […]

MySpace Introduces New Tools For Musicians

MySpace has introduced new tools to help musicians better promote and mangage their music. MySpace has partnered with marketing platform Reverbnation and will offer its FanReach email marketing tool to all musicians with a profile. FanReach allows artists to communicate with others both on MySpace and via targeted email campaigns. Myspace Music will also be […]

MySpace Lets Celebrities "HiJack" its Site to Attract Users

MySpace introduced what it’s referring to as "MySpace Hijacks" today. This is where curation of featured content on the site is taken over by celebrities, as if they had "hijacked" the site to bombard you with stuff they like.  "On the heels of the newly redesigned Myspace, Hijacks is one of many content-focused initiatives supporting […]

Report: Brand Perception Suffers in 2010 for Google, Yahoo, Facebook, MySpace

WebProNews received some interesting findings from YouGov BrandIndex, indicating that it has not been a good year for public perception of social media brands (which in this case includes Google, Yahoo, Bing, and AOL, in addition to more obvious brands like Facebook and MySpace). "2010 was a tough year for public perception of the top […]

Should Content Providers Stop Allowing Anonymous Comments?

Facebook product design manager Julie Zhuo contributed an op-ed piece to the New York Times, which calls for content providers to stop allowing for anonymous comments on their content, in an effort to maintain accountability for what is said.  This is not a new subject, nor an easy one, and despite Zhuo taking a clear […]

MySpace’s New Strategy: It’s no longer a Social Network

The battle between MySpace and Facebook for social-network dominance was long over. Facebook won and MySpace needed a new direction to stay competitive. You have probably heard by now that MySpace had recently gone through a design facelift. The new design was to support its new strategy. It’s no longer a social network. Instead, it’s […]

News Corp. On MySpace: "Current Losses Are Not Acceptable"

To be clear: we don’t mean to spread rumors or alarm anyone.  But MySpace employees might want to consider setting aside some extra money and updating their LinkedIn profiles, as one News Corp. exec hinted during an earnings call that a drastic cost-cutting action of sorts may occur. A large round (or two) of layoffs […]

Location-Based Services See Light Use

Four percent of online adults use a service such as Foursquare or Gowalla that allows them to share their location with friends and to find others who are in their area, according to a new report form the Pew Internet & American Life Project. Location-based services such as Foursquare or Gowalla are significantly more popular […]

GetGlue: Foursquare for Entertainment Nuts

If someone were to ask you to name the trendy social services right now, more than likely they’d say Facebook, Twitter and Foursquare… as those seem to be the “big 3”. They’re interchangeable – as some would select GoWalla over Foursquare and MySpace over Facebook, it’s subjective. Fairly soon you might start hearing another service […]

The All-new Myspace a Model of Rebranding

After taking an absolute beating in the social media space, MySpace has finally made a change. And, at first look, it's quite impressive. But before we dive into the details, let's back up a few years. Myspace was the hottest thing online. Users were flocking to the site, making friends and, most important, expressing themselves. […]

Facebook Accounts Download facebook accounts right there! Do not abuse the use of those!!! myspace, facebook, youtube, studyvz, twitter, reunion, bebo, blackplanet, tagged, hi5, classmates, myyearbook, friendster, orkut, flickster, tickle Duration : 23 sec

California on Social Media [VIDEO]

Comedian Kassem G conducts “man on the street” interviews each week with Californians — issues tackled include drugs, stereotypes and Tiger Woods. This week, Kassem asks beach goers for their views on social media, from Twitter to MySpace, Facebook and Farmville … he doesn’t get very far. Reviews: Facebook, MySpace, Twitter Tags: california, social media, […]

MySpace Co-Presidents Reveal Company’s Plan for the Future [INTERVIEW]

We had a chance to step into MySpace HQ for a chat with new Co-Presidents Jason Hirschhorn and Mike Jones, who preside over the News Corp.-owned social network from a shared desk in Beverly Hills. The joint office speaks to how closely Hirschhorn and Jones are working together to create a unified vision of the […]

HootSuite to Integrate with Foursquare and MySpace This Week

Today at the #140tc Twitter Conference in Seattle, Washington (which I keynoted this morning), HootSuite CEO Ryan Holmes announced that its popular Twitter application will be integrating with both MySpace and Foursquare, starting this week at the South by Southwest Interactive conference. HootSuite is one of the more popular Twitter applications, one specifically geared towards […]