Indonesia’s XL To Add 655 3G Base Stations
In order to support the high demand for mobile data in Indonesia, XL Axiata is now preparing more 3G base stations in the country. This year XL plans to add 655 3G base […] No related posts.
Acer Unveils 7-inch and 10.1-inch Android Tablets and a 4.8-inch Smartphone [PICS]
Acer is placing its bets behind Android with the announcement of a 7-inch tablet, a 10.1-inch tablet and a 4.8-inch smartphone based off of Google’s mobile OS. The unnamed tablets sport 3G and Wi-Fi connectivity, an eye-popping 1280×800 screen resolution…
Will the iOS 4.2 Update Speed Up the iPhone 3G?
The recent iOS updates to the 3GS and iPhone 4 have been mostly received with open arms, but the same can’t be said for iPhone 3G users. They’ve been faced with watered down updates and a serious performance problems. Did you notice any performance issues when you updated your iPhone 3G to iOS 4.0? Let […]
AT&T Apologizes for iPad Security Breach
AT&T sent out a letter to customers apologizing for the recent security breach which resulted in the exposure of 114,000 iPad 3G customer e-mails. In the letter, AT&T explains…
FBI Launches Investigation into iPad 3G Security Breach
The FBI has opened up an investigation into a security breach that exposed the e-mails of over 114,000 iPad 3G customers. Yesterday, a group known as Goatse Security…
Skype iPhone 3G App Downloaded 5 Million Times
On Sunday, Skype 2.0 was launched for the iPhone 3G, bringing a long-sought feature to the table: making calls over 3G. By now, 5 million users…
AT&T Gives Up on the iPad 3G Unlimited Data Plan
AT&T announced new data plans for mobile internet and smartphone tethering. While the company claims the new plans will make “mobile internet more affordable to more people,”…
Skype for iPhone Now Supports 3G Calling
There’s good news and bad news. The good: Skype 2.0 for iPhone [iTunes link] lets you make calls over 3G. The bad: After August, you’ll need to pay…
iPhone 3G Running Android [VIDEO]
We’ve already seen a first generation iPhone hacked into accepting the Android operating system, and now the same hacker, David Wang, has managed to install Android on an iPhone 3G. By Wang’s own admission, this port is “slightly more rough” than the previous one, but you can use the Android OS to browse the web, […]
300,000 iPads 3G Sold on Launch Weekend [ESTIMATE]
So, now that the iPad 3G is finally available, what everyone wants to know is: how well is this thing selling? According to Piper Jaffray analyst Gene Munster, it’s selling great, pretty much the same as the 3G-less iPad, with about 300,000 sold on launch weekend. Munster surveyed 50 Apple stores to get this number, […]
Hulu to Launch a Subscription Service in May?
In May, Hulu plans to start testing a subscription service for a monthly fee of $9.95, claims the L.A. Times, citing people familiar with the plans. Currently, Hulu viewers can see the five most recent episodes of popular shows such as Glee and Lost. The subscription service, called Hulu Plus, would enable users to see […]
iPad 3G Shipping By May 7th
Apple just updated its store with some more info on when, exactly, we can expect the iPad 3G version to ship. Their exact wording is “by May 7th,” which may mean some iPad 3Gs will be delivered earlier, though. As far as international availability goes, there’s nothing new in the Apple Store about that. Apple […]
700,000 iPads Sold [REPORT]
The latest estimates for iPad sales may surprise even the most optimistic Apple watchers: Piper Jaffray analyst Gene Munster puts the number at 600,000-700,000 this weekend, including pre-orders. By comparison, it took Apple more than 70 days to sell 1 million iPhones after the initial launch. Brainstorm Tech writes: In a report to clients issued […]
WolframAlpha Drops iPhone App Price by 96% to $1.99, Offers Refunds
Last year, WolframAlpha made waves with its $50 iPhone app; today the company is announcing a new overall strategy and its starting by launching a new mobile optimized website and dropping the price of the iPhone app to just $1.99. This is all part of WolframAlpha’s new strategy to help get its computational knowledge engine […]
CTIA 2010 in Review: Top Trends in Mobile
The CTIA Wireless Association’s annual Las Vegas mobile-centric show has wrapped up for this year, and a few key trends emerged. We wanted to bring you some of the high points from the show that shed light on what’s hot now as well as what’s on the horizon in mobile in the near near future. […]