Many World Cup Players Banned from Social Media
For continuous World Cup coverage, check out Mashable’s 2010 World Cup Hub, which will be updated throughout the games. During this year’s FIFA World Cup games in South…
Twitter Improves Trending Topic Algorithm: Bye Bye, Bieber!
Twitter has updated the algorithm behind its popular Trending Topics feature, changing the focus from the most discussed items to what is “most breaking” and “immediately popular.” Twitter confirmed to Mashable that on Wednesday it made updates to improve the relevancy of trending topics. In the past, trending topics were dominated by consistently popular items […]
Don’t Tell Ashton: Artwork Made Out of Twitter Users
Don’t Tell Ashton is an interactive art project which lets any Twitter user participate simply by replying to @donttellashton. Depending on the number of followers, the user will be represented by a bigger avatar. Hence the name of the project, Don’t Tell Ashton: if Twitter’s most popular user, Ashton Kutcher, were to add himself, his […]
Gowalla Partners with National Geographic and Washington Post for Branded Trips
Location-sharing service Gowalla has just revamped its website and expanded its Trips feature. The Foursquare competitor is launching the new feature set with two big business partners — National Geographic and The Washington Post — who have produced their own collection of Trips with hand-picked destinations. The National Geographic-branded Gowalla Trips include 15 walking tours […]
The 20 Most Popular Twitter Users, According to the “Accept” Bug
If the “accept” bug we encountered this week taught us anything about Twitter, it showed us who users are most desperate to have follow them back. As a refresher, yesterday’s bug allowed users to tweet, for example, “accept mashable.” This would then make the account @mashable automatically follow the user who sent out that tweet. […]
Twitterrific for iPad Supports Video/Pic Uploads
We’ve just learned from the good folks at Twitterrific that their iPad app will now include the ability to upload images and videos. Multimedia support is just one feature that makes Twitterrific stand out among iPad Twitter apps — and one feature that will likely keep Twitterrific in many users’ hearts in the event that […]
LOLCat King on What Makes Internet Culture Viral [VIDEO]
Ben Huh is the CEO of The Cheezburger Network, a ring of highly lucrative websites that curate and capitalize on Internet memes and macros. During Web 2.0 Expo in San Francisco, he sat down to tell us all about Internet culture: what makes for a guaranteed flop online, and what elements can help content become […]
10% of Under 25s Think It’s Okay to Text During Sex
Oh dear. From the “there’s never been a better time to worry about the future of civilization” department comes the disturbing news that one in ten young people under the age of 25 deem it perfectly okay to send SMS messages during sex. It certainly gives new meaning to the term “sexting.” A recent survey […]
Facebook Chat Down for Maintenance Following Privacy Lapse
Facebook Chat is now down for maintenance. The feature was presumably disabled following a report that exposed a Facebook security bug that allowed users to access and view friends’ live chats, friend requests and friends in common. The report indicates that access to this personal information was accessible via Facebook’s privacy settings, with the Preview […]
LinkedIn Launched Seven Years Ago Today
It took a tweet from LinkedIn Senior Director of Corporate Communications Kay Luo for us to find out, but it’s true: LinkedIn turns seven years old today. While LinkedIn was founded in December of 2002, the actual website didn’t launch until May 5, 2003. That makes it older than Facebook (2004), Twitter (2006), YouTube (2005), […]
Digg’s URL Shortener Now Works Only For Digg
Since Kevin Rose took the helm of Digg, the service hasn’t been introducing new features but killing old ones. First, Digg got rid of the DiggBar, and now a related feature has been (almost) shut down: the Digg URL shortener. Although Digg calls this move an “update,” the feature has been killed for all URLs […]
The Answer to Facebook’s Universal “Like” Button: OpenDislike
Last week, Facebook unveiled its universal “like” button, furthering its goal of world domination in the process. Thus, it was inevitable that someone, somewhere would develop the universal “dislike” button., which is powered by German identity manager, is really more proof of concept than something that is ever likely to be largely used […]
Facebook’s New Social Plugins: 50,000+ Websites in One Week
Phase one of Facebook’s strategy for world domination: complete. Facebook has announced that over 50,000 websites have integrated Facebook’s new social plugins in just one week. The plugins are a core component of the company’s new Open Graph initiative. Last week, Facebook launched the Open Graph API and social plugins during its F8 conference in […]
See What Your Facebook Friends “Like” On Any Site
A new website called uses Facebook’s just-launched Social Plugins features to show you a list of all the items your Facebook friends “Liked” across several websites like YouTube, Pandora, Hulu, Flickr, The Wall Street Journal, IMDB and numerous others. It basically just splashes the Activity Feed Social Plugins for each website all up onto […]
Twitter Launches Countdown to OAuthcalypse
In 9 weeks, 3 days and some change, Twitter will turn off basic authentication for apps, making OAuth the only way to connect to Twitter applications. The Twitter API team has even launched a countdown to what it calls “OAuthcalypse.” Currently, there are two ways to connect to apps: basic authentication, where you provide your […]